
Clear my driving record?

by  |  earlier

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I got 3 or so speeding tickets in Texas about 2-3 years ago. To get all of these dismissed I did defensive driving or deferred adjudication (that "don't get a ticket for 6 months and we'll dismiss deal).

So 3 years later I am applying for car insurance and for some reason there are 3 tickets on my record at the DMV in Austin.

Anyone know what I can do to fix this?




  1. I don't know about Texas but in Florida the courts have nothing to do with the DMV, the courts make their ruling and the DMV just takes any arrest ticket etc as a conviction and puts it on your driving  record they told me it was because driving is a privilege and when I asked the courts about the promise they made to me they told me that they had no control over what the DMV does.  

  2. As far as i know,this is a question with many different answers,it is really depend on the judgement of yourself,provide a great resource here for reference though.

  3. You wait.  After "X" amount of years, depending on the state, the citations leave your record.  I have had eight citation in my life, none of which are on my record now.

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