
Clear or not ?

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if i can swim why i canot play bascketball




  1. Swimming is a no impact exercise. It does not jar your body or put the same strain on your joints as basketball does. If your doctor told you to do low or no impact exercise then swimming will be very good for you. Basketball would be bad for you especially if you have hip, knee, or ankle problems

    Good luck.

  2. what are you asking?

  3. Swimming has nothing to do with basket ball they are two differnt sports!!!

  4. If you're wondering why you have been told by a doctor that you cannot play basketball, but you can swim, (i don't really know if this is what you're asking) this may be because basketball is a contact sport, where swimming is not.

    If you hurt your foot or something, you may still be able to swim because you won't be putting weight on the injury, where in basketball you would

    Don't know if i was even close to answering the question, but i hope it helps

  5. I'm going to have to go with NOT CLEAR. I don't understand the question........

  6. wat does basketball have anything to do with swimming

  7. u can swim because u've learn how to swim but u can't play basketball because u haven't learn how to play it

    clear?  ^_^

  8. i dont get your question
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