
Clear skin fast.....bioré pore strips?

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i dont know what to do the pores on my nose are fairly large like they are noticeable if you really look at them and i always have these little white headed zit thing on them and i cant get rid of them! like if i use a good product they will go away for a little bit but then just come back even if i keep using the product and then product wont work on it anymore! i am thinking about using the bioré pore cleaning strips but i want to know if they actually work! also how much would they cost i live in alberta canada!




  1. Yes , they work. they are around 9 dollars in canada . you can buy them at superstore. =)  

  2. When my mom and I used them, they didn't work. They work fine for pulling out HAIRS on your face, though.

    You might want to try Proactive Solution. I've been using it and it's really good.

    Good luck!


  3. well i have never used those before, but i know when i had acne i got proactive, it seriously reduced the redness, puffiness, and actual blackhead. You should also drinking water and keep eating healthy, if you want healthy skin. I will have to try those pore strips sometime, but you should try proactive.

  4. at wal mart they are like 15 dollars (CAN) for a pack of like 14 i think...they are soo expensive but they work

  5. They work really well.  If your nose is pretty bad, get the ultra deep cleansing ones.  A word of warning, though - they REEK like tea-tree oil... everyone in a ten foot radius is going to be able to smell you.  Don't use them more than every three days.  When you pull them off, it's pretty gross, so make sure nobody else is around ;-).  They're the only thing that works on my nose, though.

  6. ok how about this i will help u im the best when it comes to cleaning ur face in the morning clean ur face with peroxcide with a cotton ball and at nite u will c ur face clearing immediatley    love sarah  

  7. I'm a rep for Clinique and I'm going to share a little known and CHEAP beauty secret with you. Get a bottle of plain, uncoated aspirin - a bottle of hundreds of tablets costs a buck or two. In the shower or at the sink shake out about 8 tablets in your hand and add warm water. The tablets dissolve pretty quickly and can be used as a scrub. Aspirin contains salicylic acid (the ingredient in nearly all acne fighting products) and the grainy consistency will work as a wonderful exfoliant. The anti-inflammatory in the aspirin will take out any redness and/or swelling caused by a pimple.  I use this mixture as a mask sometimes, or if a zit pops up I dab a little on before bedtime and by morning it's gone! A three dollar bottle of aspirin will do the work of the most expensive skin clearing products.

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