
Clearing ears while diving?

by Guest33919  |  earlier

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I have a real difficult time diving, my ear will not clear easily. I dry moving my jaw every which way, swallow, going back up and down. I try clearing ever few feet with little luck. I had tubes put in my ears due to frequent ear infections as a kid, but they are now out. Could this be a reason?

I try to take decongestants, but i cant tell a difference....

Is their a prescription or something i can get




  1. There's a ton of ways to clear your ears, it's just a matter of finding what works for you.

    1: pinch the nose, and blow gentley out you nose.

    2: Jaw popping

    3: Jaw wiggling

    4: yawning

    Myself, I have to do a combo of yawning and jaw popping.  

    All of the above can be helped by tilting your head back.  This helps stretch the eustachian tubes, making them equalise.

    The tubes are muscles.  You can "train" your tubes by practicing equalization a few times a day, every day.  

    Vertigo opn ascents is caused by one ear equalizing before the other.  Happens to me rarely, but it does happen.

  2. Sometimes taking decongestants can make it worse.  On decent, try stopping every few feet, pinch your nose through your mask and blowing gently.  On asent, stop longer to give your ears a chance to equalize.  First thing is to stop the meds before you dive.

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