
Clears blood cells?!?!??

by Guest64935  |  earlier

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ok, do this, look off at a far distance...concentrate on one object, do you see circle, bubble like objects that seem to fly around? I keep seeing that ever since i can remember, if you see it, what is that? it has a mind of its own, flies everywhere, atleast 100s, very small and they look like clear blood cells.




  1. no such thing as clear blood cells

  2. ya i totally know what your talking about! i have always assumed that it is just tiny bits of dust on the surface of your eyeball. but i honestly have no idea what it is for sure

  3. What you are seeing are called floaters and the most common ones are red blood cells that got loose in the fluid of the eye (if you have lots, go see ophthalmologist soon, sooner).  Red blood cells are a flattened disk with a thin middle and thus appear as little round circles in silhouette.  Normally, they appear to generally float upward, but are actually falling under the force of gravity across the inverted image that your lens puts on your retina  

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