
Cleavage Wine: Yes or No?

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First things first: It is an actual wine, no, I am not kidding. Here's the website:

Second, has anyone ever had this wine? My dad wants to get some for my mom to celebrate her 15 year of being breast cancer free. He's a little concerned though, because some of the flavor combinations seem...unique.





  1. why would you get cleavage wine for a breast cancer survivor? there has to be something wrong with you

  2. The fine wines of Cleavage Creek will be introduced on October 15th, 2007. Eight exceptional varietals will be offered.  This much anticipated release heralds a one-of-a-kind philanthropic venture, pairing fine wine and an effort to fund breast cancer research.

    I think I understand what it is a thing between your parents.

    You already have this.

    This site has contact information to order it. Perhaps a local wine retailer has it or contact the winery with the phone number on the site.

  3. Never tried it, but d**n if I won't be soon.  I often pick wines because of cool names.  Combine that with a great cause, and I'M IN!

  4. I think this is a lovely thing for your dad to do for your mom.  I only wish it was available in my state as I have way too many friends who would qualify to receive a bottle.  ABC news did a story on this winery last October so you can feel pretty sure that it is legitimate.  Cleavage Creek helps promote education about the disease and choices of treatment, and tells hopeful, real-life Survivor's stories.  Not only that but 10% of the proceeds goes towards cancer research. Seems like a win-win situation.  None of the choices look odd to me.  In fact, they sound delicious!  I would say, go with her preferences.  What does she normally drink?  In a case like this, it's not so much about the flavor and quality of the wine but more about the "spirit" of the gift.

  5. very nice.

    I have not tried it.

  6. I have not tried it but considering the cause I would buy a bottle or two.

  7. This Is hard, cause I have been through Chemo and set with many women with breast cancer and I feel for them verey strong. My aunt went through it 2 times Had both removed and I  supporte them strongly I don't look for cleavage I look for how they function ,attitude ,and will you fight! What I've been through I would not wish it on my worst enemy! You hit a nerve and I guess I should get out of this and say bye .I had 6 monthes  I still fight so take me out of this contest. BYE

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