
Cleopatra hypothesis??

by  |  earlier

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i'm thinking about what my hypothesis for my assignment on Cleopatra the 7th... it can be about love, political anything really....i've thought of a few .. their alright but i need a suggestions please =]





  1. Maybe, pose the question, wonder if it wasn't her that died. A relative or look alike could have taken the bite.  Look up how the body would have looked after that kind of death, if it discolors or bloats. Was it buried in a hurry? Was there any rumors that she didn't die at that time. What might have happened to her if it wasn't her that died.  

  2. She was a woman of power.  Either she was very beautiful or she was very persuasive.

    She was smart.  She could speak several languages, knew mathematics and had a great business sense.

    She did not confuse marriage with love.  She married (at different times) two of her younger brothers.  Julius Caesar and Mark Antony were among her conquests.


  3. she had a child with julius caesar  but he was murdered ,and i don't think she had any more children..........tom

  4. She got herself into a corner from which she could not escape, so she took her own life!

  5. Most of the books related Cleopatra agree that she was not as beatiful as people think...on the other hand she was so and her culture and knowledge was loved her not for her beauty but for his personality......  another possibility....we will never be able to know many things about her considering that all the history was told by Romans ....and they hated her then we have received most of the "Rome version..."
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