
Cleveland Browns LB Scott Fujita pins hopes on return for season opener – NFL News

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Cleveland Browns LB Scott Fujita pins hopes on return for season opener – NFL News
Cleveland Browns’ linebacker Scott Fujita is optimistic about playing in the season opener on hopes of getting a court order for hold of suspension, which he and three other National Football League (NFL) players have received from the league office over
their alleged involvement in the covert players' bounty programme run by a few officials and players at the New Orleans Saints in the past.
Scott has shown frustration over the league’s decision of four-game ban for him as he had allegedly been contributing to fund, which was constituted to run the reward-for-hit programme. The players were rewarded in cash for hitting and injuring players from
opposite sides.
The Browns LB has denied his involvement in the programme throughout but as per the league’s ruling he has been found guilty and therefore has been landed the four-game suspension.
Now the punished players have moved the court from platform of the NFL Players Association (NFLPA) to get the league’s ruling overturned, and have pleaded for a suspension of the ban till the time the case is in the phase of hearing.
Fujita and other players have expressed confidence that they will win the stay order against the ban, which will facilitate them to be available for selection in the squads with their respective teams for the season start, at least.
The hope is stemmed from recent remarks by the US District Judge Ginger Berrigan in which she hinted at granting the order. The judge said she finds the NFL’s disciplinary action in the bounty programme unfair and punishment excessive.
A final decision can only be expected on the matter of stay order and overturning of the league’s ruling after the judge’s concerns about her jurisdictions, which should determine her ability to hear the case, are cleared.
New Orleans Saints’ linebacker Jonathan Vilma, who is also suspended along with Fujita, has filed for getting the stay order against suspension. He apparently has support from other punished players.
Fujita can be expected for the season opener next month as he has hoped the judge is able to rule on the case by then. A problem with the court cases is that they most of the time are subject to delayed hearing dates, while lawyers are also capable of seeking
delays in smooth proceeding of case through in-between filings.



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