
Clicking Ankle??

by Guest60311  |  earlier

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Hi, I just recently got 2 horses from my instructor (she is boarding them at my house for the summer and until one of the horses is old enough to be broken) Well the horse that is ridable is 8 years old and last year was hurt really bad. She was on stall rest for about 11 months, I am riding her for the first time since she was injured (another horse kicked her in the hind legs really bad [not sure of the details exactly, I'm askin on the weekend when I see my instructor next]) She is sound enough to be ridden, but yesterday after I got off her and put her back in the paddock, I noticed her hind right ankle was cracking when she walked. It sounded like a small twig being broken. I'm not sure if riding with polos or boots would help, if she needs extra support. She is not lame, walks perfectly, but I was just concerned when I heard it. Can you help me??

Thanks in advance =]




  1. Sounds like arthritis. I have a 25 year old Appaloosa gelding that got it in his teens. If a horse is ridden hard early in life they can develop it earlier. His is not bad anymore but that is probably what the cracking noise is. We control his by having him on pasture 24/7 and his senior pellets are formulated for it. I would have your instructor out and look at her and see what she wants to do for her. There are other ways of managing it but I can't remember how.

  2. its arthiritis. my gelding has it from being worked to hard when he was younger. he clicks ever other step he takes.  i use splint boots just for extra support and put him on a joint suppliment. anything with msm/glucosumine. make sure you give her a good warm up and cool down. The joint suppliment i have keeps  his joint lubricated and actually makes the clicking less obvious. just take it easy! It's not uncommon, there are lots of horses that are the same way.

    good luck!

  3. Her pastern could be subluxating - big term for something that's no big deal.  If the horse has loose ligaments, the pastern joint may bend a little more than most, and click into or out of position.

    I had a horse do this in both hind ankles, usually only when ridden.  He was an OTTB, did hunters and events, and never ever had a problem other than the clicking noise.  It was not related to an injury.  We used him for hunter paces until he died of colic at 22 - he was a great horse who loved to run cross country.  He never needed extra support, supplements, polos, boots, or anything like that.

    I have several retirees with arthritis, and sometimes they click, but when they do they also look a little lame.  I would not expect an 8 year old to have arthritis...  even if she develops it from the injury, I'd think it would take several years to develop to the point that you can hear it.

    Ask your instructor.  She may know.
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