
Client/Contact Management System? ?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, hoping i can get some help.

First of all let me say that I run a succesful business, one that has rapidly grown in the last couple of years. I deal with new clients on a daily basis, we're talking about anywhere from 50 people on a slow day to 200+.

I need a system that will allow me to manage all those contacts in one location, and i want that location to be readily accessed from anywhere i am.

To clarify, i have 3 offices. 2 in southern california, and one in India. I want to be able to set up a system whereby someone in either of the CA offices, or someone in India, can access the contact/client information. This system should be "live" so that any contact that is added, can be immediately seen by all 3 offices.

Does anyone know how i can go about doing this?

Your help is greatly appreciated.




  1. You need to create a website that will allow all your staff to use it. The website is kind of a backend application protected by usernames and passwords that you provide to your staff.

    The way to go about it is to create a website using one of these languages: asp, php, or some others but those are preferable.

    You should also have a a sharable DBMS (Database Management System). This is very important and all actions taken by anyone of your staff should be processed online too.

    Some Important DBMS: SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, MySQL.

    For example, if one of your employees (let's say John) in USA contacted a client and wanted to mention what happened, he should login to the system online, and then go to a specific area and mention that he talked to this specific client with details (date of contact, what happened, etc...). At this time, when your other employee (let's say Albert) in India logs in to the system online, he will be able to view these information entered by John (unless there are private info).

    This is a complicated process and the best way to go about it is to assign this project to a web development company.

    This is a very detailed question and it's hard to list everything here, but if you still need more details about it then feel free to email us and we can chat and will help you further.

    Animate Logo Team

  2. I use Highrise for my clients/contacts management and i am very satisfied


    There is an option for a free plan at the bottom of the main plans.

  3. Well, with such a successful business, you should be looking to hire a contracted developer to put together an online database system. Such systems already exists for sale, I'm sure, but getting a custom one built will be the way to go for a professional business.

    It isn't exactly something you can just kinda whip together, either...takes a professional developer to do this kind of thing. I would suggest shopping around elance, rentacoder or  

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