
Clients from South Africa want to visit any place in June, where it is summer. for 5/7 nts.plz advise. tanx.?

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They have been to Mauritius & India. They just want sunshine:)




  1. they may come to rome to visit the city or to greece (crete) if they want the sea.....

    one can visit rome quite well in 5/7days....

    for what's about crete it is a family island (not like mykonos,ios etc) but loadsa wonderful seesights & gr8 beaches

    but after all it's all up to ur clients' age.....i imagined they as a couple with not much willing of going clubbing...

    otherwise,if they'r a young couple who want also some kind of lively night life they should totally go to Spain,Barcelona or Formentera....

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