
Climate Change... are you scared?

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I dont understand why people arn't scared at the fact of climate change? It's like a shady guy thats following you when you walk home. Sooner or later that sahdy guy is gonna attack you so you'd wanna do something soon before he does. Why does no one care that we are strangleing the world? Is it so much to ask to just want a little faith in humanity? Are you doing anything or just waiting for you're painful fate?




  1. global warming has been with us since time began,we adapt to it  

  2. I have survived for 66 years on this planet and have seen smog, gales, heatwaves, snowstorms, and everything else nature could throw at me. Climate change is just an excuse for some low valued ex universty graduates to make a living. If you believe what they say then you are as silly as they are. Its a new name for mumbojumbo, totally unproven  and without sufficient credible evidence, but gives an excellent oppurtunity to tax anything remotley connected to it. There is NO! definate, absolute proof about the theory of 'global warming' Its happened many many times before and will in the future. However, despite current scientific??? studies it will happen again, as will floods, droughts, famine, and whatever else 'mother nature' decides. If you are really scared, you should see brainwashed! or stop watching the t.v. and read fairy tails instead. It will give you a real insight to how these 'global experts' and government ministers survive all the lies.

  3. One thing to remember is that climate has always changed.  It changed over and over again before humans were around to influence what was going on.  Now I am sure that what is happening today is a combination of natural change and man-made change.  Being scared of the changes isn't going to do us any good.  Unfortunately people only react to problems when they see a crisis looming and I don't think that the leaders of our nations have started to panic yet.

  4. Heres some other things to worry about-Nuclear war -virus pandemics -asteroids hitting earth ,sudden death syndrome ,death - see if worrying fixes any of them

  5. (I just want to make it clear that I am AGW. This answer is hypothetical) Who sais it would be bad if it hit. Al Gore was wrong, there was a court case about it. When the earth warmed before we adapted to it, grew grapes in England and became rich. So if it is true it probably isn't all that bad.

  6. i assume from your question that you are a global warming believer, check this out

  7. Climate change is a thing that has been happening since the birth of the planet. Some of those changes have been incredibly violent according to theory, theories which I believe also.

    The planet itself spews millions of tons of volcanic ash into the atmosphere every year, and releases huge amounts of gases into the atmosphere naturally also.

    As an industrious species we have been spewing our own pollutants into the atmosphere for what is in the grander scheme, a tiny percentage of time and on a small scale compared to the planet itself. Media fear mongering coupled with human egotism, (if we're going to be honest here) has us all living in fear that we are killing the planet at a rate that is irreversible.

    The climate changes as a course of nature, but it is shear egotism that has us believing that we as a species are responsible for huge climate changes. I'm not suggesting that it is acceptable for us to pollute on an industrious scale or even as individuals, but you have to take sensible stock of things and don't just automatically believe everything you read. A heck of a lot of so called scientist and specialists are making a good living for themselves writing journals and books on climate change and the damage we cause. It’s big business in other words. Yes I have my concerns about nature and the environment and I‘m proud of the fact that I actively do my bit, but I’m not going to be running around in a blind panic in a frenzy created by the media.

  8. Neither burning of fossil fuels or any of man's other activities has an effect on climate.  It's all natural and we can't do anything to change that.  And nuclear war has nothing to do with global warming, but..the alarmists would have you believe that we'll soon change the earth into a hot star or something.

  9. because it might kill us in 1084325 years

  10. because i dont believe we can stop it, its the planets natual cycle, and nothing we can do can change that.

  11. Because its not gonna attack us all at once.   It's already happening.   I notice a large difference in the last 30 years in the weather while young kids now don't notice any difference.   It might be happening faster than most any time in the past, but its still not going to nail us all at once.

  12. I feel sorry for all the unfortunate souls living east of the Rockies! There is a dramatic increase in severe weather ,mostly east of the Rockies. I moved to the Pac. N.W. because I saw the changes starting 20years ago! Just wait and see how T.S. Fay breaks all records! She's not done yet! There are some very OBVIOUS  changes occurring,one at a time, they could possibly be called just "freak" events. But ,there are too many,all over the planet,to just be considered "abnormal" or "freak"!   One of the reasons for the govt. efforts to keep Americans in the dark, is that when the ignorant masses finally figure out that abrupt catastrophic climate change has occurred,they will PANIC!

    I hope you're in a safe area. Good Luck!

  13. Im doing loads, all the time! my parents are basically eating soil.

    so yeah im really scared too!

  14. People who like to own guns will give you reasons why owning guns is a good idea. The reasons are always stupid - but the guy who loves guns also loves his justifications enough to overlook their brainlessness.

    People who are addicted to non-prescription drugs have really wonderful explanations of why being a drug-addict is not such a big problem.

    Drunks will explain to you how alcohol helps them to manage their lives.

    And did you ever meet a Christian who accepted how nasty, bigoted and dangerous their faith had made them?

    People do not believe things because they are true; they believe things because they are convenient.

    How do you think George W. Bush got to be president?

  15. Global warming cant be stop, it already started theres no way to stop it, unless we dont use anything that pollutes the air.

  16. Global Warming is a natural cycle, and more people are beginning to realize it.

    Part of that cycle is the eventual cooling down of the Earth. Hence, the ice age. Humans have the technology to adapt to the heat as it gets worse, in the near future,  but eventually, the world will begin to cool again so we won't all die.

  17. Global Warming -Terrorism-Government smokescreens to distract you from their inefficiencies. More people die in the bath in UK every year than have ever been killed by terrorism. Government money would be better spent on the NHS.

    Thats not to say that terrorism and climate change aren't important, just that a disproportionate amount of the nations funds is spent on them.

    It would be interesting to know which companies in the UK and USA senior politicians have share holdings in or maybe seats on boards.

    Maybe I'm just an old cynic eh!

  18. Climate change is just that, a changing climate and there is neither; nothing we can do about it, and, we are not causing it.  Weather does what it wants, and it will do whatever, whenever, regardless of what we do or stop doing.  

    The Earth is a giant engine of weather and all if its processes are on a grand scale.  Our puny little smoke stacks that look like little pinpricks from 200 miles up are no match for a hurricane or tornado.

    The only shady guy I know of is Uncle Al and his carbon credits scam.  He makes more money and owns more oil wells than Bush does.    

  19. The data for Global Warming was a lie ,and so they changed to climate change ,but use the same data.  

  20. Reading through these answers (once I picked myself off the floor and wiped the tears of laughter from my eyes) I am not in the least surprised that these people aren't scared, they struggle to understand the question, let alone the answer.

    The facts: yes climate has always changed, just as cars always go fast, but it is a matter of degrees.  

    Example: If you travel at 30 mph and a lorry suddenly spins out of control in front of you, there is a chance you can break.  If you are doing 100 mph, there isn't: you WILL hit it.

    The problem about climate change is that a higher proportion of the sun's heat is retained in the atmosphere, instead of dissipating into space, as would be the case if we had not created an artificially thick blanket of gases that retain it.

    This can have one of two, entirely opposite effects:

    1) the system absorbs the heat, warms-up, ice that is on land melts and dilutes the seas.

    This changes the density of sea water, by diluting salinity locally.. Salt water has a different density from fresh water and there will be a change in the currents that form the "Thermohaline circulation" of the oceans, which is responsible for the transfer of heat and nutrients throughout the Oceanic systems of currents like the NADWC (North Atlantic Deep Water Currents) and others.  These also move nutrient rich waters to the most important oceanic nurseries, where up to 30% of sea creatures breed.

    IF the sea levels rise enough , they will flood all the areas in which men have buried all manner of poisons, in landfills, cemeteries, ammunition dumps, fuel stores, chemical and nuclear repositories and contaminated land.  

    When they are inundated, these will be dissolved, diffused, bioaccumulated and lead to mass extinctions amongst the micoorganisms and invertebrates on which life on the wet margins depend, globally, simultaneously.

    Within only a few years of the system reaching this phase, the additional methane - 30 times more effective a GHG than CO2 - from the decay of the dying biota, poisoned by feeding ont he other poisoned organisms, will force exponential growth (positive feedback) of die-out of entire food webs.

    If the seas continue to rise, they will eventually and permanently flood the regions that were once the ancient Permian seas, which evaporated, leaving behind a duricrust of salt that is hundreds of metres deep, in places, and a source of salt still mined today (i.e. the Cheshire salt mines).

    These billions of cubic metres of halides will be dissolved and sterilise the soil above the inundated areas, in something like 20-40% of the inhabited lands, depending on depth of SLR, again, causing mass extinctions.

    2) EVEN IF the ecosphere responds by self-adjustment, through increase evaporation, precipitation and cooling in the polar regions, we would still see the reverse process and witness a tipping of the global climate into a new ice age.

    Increased snowfall = increases in ice surface = increased cooling = positive feedback.

    As ice occupies more space than water, if enough water has flowed into the oceans from the landmass of polar caps (especially the Antarctic ice mass, which is mostly land ice) prior to the cooling response getting under way, this will have the same effect as sea level rise, compounded by the advancing of the ice.

    In fact, contrary to the "opinions" of the terminally uneducated, the results of anthropogenic global climate change are relatively well understood by a minority people who made it their business to get an education on the subject.

    For up to date, INFORMED and EXPERT debate by scientists, visit Real Climate website.

    As to the opinion of those who prefer to believe that it's all "a conspiracy", their genetic make-up predisposes them for their ultimate destiny: to serve as good barbecue supplies, when food gets scarce, either as food or fuel!  LOL!!!

    "Only the ignorant can afford to be truly arrogant".

  21. Because "global warming" is a naturally occuring phenomina of which mankind's overall contribution is insignificant!  We did not create it, we can not control it, we can not stop it!

    Those are the facts

  22. planet schmanet, Janet.

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