
Climate Change..?

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From all the news about climate change

what are five things you have learned about this????




  1. THEIR'S ONLY ONE SOURCE THAT CONTROLS THE CLIMATE AND THATS NATURE. IF YOU CLICK ON THIS  THEIRS ANOTHER LINK ON IT SHOWING everyone how to start the process to delete Global Warming. by allowing nature to return to normal naturally.,but no-one's interested so far and our governments are only interested in talking every 3 months, and remember their old and have one foot in the graves, so its up to the young and theirs also treasures in the sands of time untouched.

  2. 1) The Earth temporarily warms up approximately every 100,000 years, it's part of nature.

    2) It's due to Earth's axis changing.

    3) The warm up always precedes an Ice Age.

    4) Another Ice Age will occur.

    5) Human activity can speed up the process.

    6) Big Business doesn't want to believe it because helping to fix it will cost them millions.

  3. I don't have five answers really for this, but I do have some things that I think about.  The climate has been changing for 4.6 billion years, according to the same kind of people who say humans are causing global warming.  It is not necessarily humans causing climate change.  The climate is probably going to change regardless of human influence, so people should stop freaking out.  We cannot worry so much about the future when there are problems happening right now that we can't get a handle on.

  4. omg wow you people believe ANYTHING.

    just because Al Gore says its true doesnt mean anything..

    all he wants is money..


    believing in Global Warming is like believing in flying pigs.

  5. I wish the climate would change.It is 57 degrees in St Louis on May 27th.Help us the world is cooling.

  6. 1. its nothing new, its been happening since the earth was formed , someone beliving in this lie should read there history

    2. our economy is falling due to the gas prices because this green bull c**p .

    3 our children are being brainwashed in school

    4 my garden is growing just fine

    5 people need to understand one thing , they cannot change the earth , we are a guest here where we live

  7. These four are enough;

    Exposed: the Hollywood hypocrites who drive most of the way in from Malibu in Lincoln Navigators … but arrive on camera at the Academy Awards in hybrid, eco-friendly Priuses

    The Kyoto Treaty can't alter climate -- period. (That's what treaty backers admit. Nevertheless, the global press bends over backwards to cover this up.)

    The Ethanol Scam: Politicians and Big Agriculture would have you believe that encouraging the use of grain-based ethanol in gasoline is the key to energy independence. But not only do all the ethanol-related tax breaks, subsidies and mandates harm consumers in many ways - driving up the cost of food and other goods, including gasoline itself - but the process of making and transporting it uses more energy than the end product yields!

    America's "Inconvenient Fraud" - he's the environmental activist whose 20-room mansion and pool house devour nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity a year - more than 20 times the national average. His name - Al Gore, the Academy-Award winning producer of the pro-global warming fraud, "An Inconvenient Truth."

  8. 1. It's a lie

    2. It's not true

    3. Those yelling the loudest are the ones profiting the most (Al Gore)

    4. The earth has been warmer in the past.

    5. Even though the news and main stream media can not stop talking about AGW, most people are very ill informed in the issue.

  9. It is a scam.

    Some entities & people are getting rich about it.

    It is provoking panic in societies.

    Goverments have raise and/or create taxes to "control or solve" the "problem".

    Divided the societies around the globe.

    My 2 cents.
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