
Climate change debate- shouldn't we hear from both sides?

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Should the Earth's climate be changing and becoming warmer, humans can neither contribute to it nor slow it down.

All those who stand to make money should the other side win the argument, now please step forward.




  1. Ideally, yes.  But AGW has channeled the spirit of the Soviet Union.

    A lot of U.S. utility companies and corporations are in on the take.  So if anyone has a 401(k) or retirement account you probably stand to make money from it - scam or not.

  2. Sure we should hear both sides, but the science is not up to us. The denial side (heartland institute...) has been using public opinion to add roadblocks to progress. For science to work, scientists must be doing the work, not some institute that's adverse to change.

    Science works with peer-review. If an organization, or "scientist" doesn't submit their work for peer-review, what are they afraid of? If they instead blog their "work" they are trying to manipulate the public, and that is immoral. If their "work" was peer-reviewed, but didn't pass muster, it wasn't good enough to begin with, period!

    James Early - how on God's earth are oil companies making profits based on climate change? If anything, people would reduce their use of fossil fuels in response to climate change, not use more. Twisted logic!

  3. Someone explain to James that there's almost no overlap between the coal and oil industries and that we generate less than 2% of our electricity with oil.

  4. Not sure what you mean by both sides, climates scientists are the experts and their views are clear expressed through their publications and their contributions to the IPPC. The only other side is linked to industries that have something to lose if co2 emissions are cut and their mouth piece the Heartland institute.

  5. Well the oil companies are already making huge profits from the scam and I expect them to make a lot more until people get wise and force congress to replace coal and oil fired plants with nuclear.

  6. The earth is heating up - it has been doing it for centuries. (Read your history books) There was a continental ICE SHEET COVERING A LARGE PART OF THE US. It is gone. I would assume

    I THINK AGW reasoning is it must have been all those campfires ;)

    Be honest. If you are trying to make money make something that is practical, and works, that people want. Do try to lie to me. Theft by deception is still theft even though you used no force.

    What heats planet Earth? Hmm. – the Sun

    What has Solar Cycles? Hmm. – the SUN

    What is a small contributor to Carbon Dioxide in the Air? Hmm – MAN

    What is insignificant to planet temprature? Hmm. CO2. CO2 levels rising percipitate temprature declines.

    Does something look backwards in this equation? AGW - you should have presented your lies at the very least in a more styimatic method, or chosen a more pratical villan than Carbon.

    I would have chosen better spokesmen also R.Kennedy, A.Gore, and Liberman - what a joke.

    Argue all you want. I am a meat eater. I do not eat Air. Put some cold hard facts infront of me that Global Warming is Man-Made. Don’t put a bunch of manipulated computer models in front of me. I can program too – would you like a flower?

    Hope this helps.

  7. We should hear from both sides.  But the alarmists become agitated with debate and don't want to listen.  Discussion scares them because they can't defend their position.

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