
Climate will be changed dengerously?

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Climate will be changed dengerously?




  1. Only if China uses the nuclear missile delivery technology that Bill Clinton sold them to hit the U.S.

  2. Depends on which school of thought you belong to!

                                I am on the side that thinks this whole thing is a complete load of BS!

                                   The more I read about the subject the more convinced I become, so carry on with your worry or forget it.

                                     Just ask your self a few simple questions,then ask others:-

                                      If carbon emissions are the cause of any changes, then  what happened to the ice age, not many holiday flights or cars around then were there???

                                      What caused the massive floods of old?

    How long have folk been carrying thermometers around with them, one million years? Two million???

                                        All BS.

    A really good question is what are the Govt' spending this global warming tax on? Are they going o to repair the ozone layer???? What are they using the money for????

  3. Global Warming has been going on since the ice age. Remember glaciers use to cover half the United States. Now, here's the BS: Socialists, Marxist, and Communists started this whole concept that it was man-made by that evil empire, the USA. While leading the world in production, energy usage and having the highest standard of living, it's easy to blame capitalism for global warming. Unfortunately too many Meat-Heads have bought into this idea. Global Warming is a natural phenomenon beyond our control and is created by an imperfect wobbling of the earth and circumnavigation of the sun. It's easy for someone to buy into this man-made warming theory and appear as though they are the enlightened ones. Maybe they can explain why half the USA was once covered with ice and the glaciers began to retreat and melt many thousands of years before the combustible engine. Or, why the south pole use to be warm and tropical. The argument isn't whether global warming is occuring, but rather what's causing it. Don't let those so-called enlightened one's talk you into turning your life over to them in the name of saving the planet! The rotations & wobbling of planets, the varying temperature of the sun, and the weather is beyond our control. Oh yeah, follow the money and notice who those thirsting for power are and you'll easily see who the alarmists (anticapitalists) are...

  4. why would coming out of a ice age be dangerous


          Good question

          I have yet to find anyone that has any proof that global

    warming will do any thing harmful.

          There are a lot of grand claims of the dangers. like the end of life on earth.

          these are unfounded scare tactics. and unsupportable by anyone.

          But if you look at prehistorical times when earth was warmer you find a great abundance of life.

          You will see that the age of mammals got its running start when the temperatures were a lot warmer.

          warm enough that there was no ice at the poles.

          and lasted for the most part warm with a few cooler but still warmer then now periods until the primates that were our ancestors were will established about 20 million years later.

          if you averaged the temperatures from 65 million years ago at the end of the age of the dinosaurs to today you would find that we are now in a ice age

          And would have to warm till there was no ice at the poles to be as warm as it has been in the last 65 million years

    if global warming went to the level that the global warmers claim it would be close to the average temperature for the last 65 million years.

    if you look at the records the earth will not turn into a desert like the global scares say but get warmer and wetter.

    this is due to the increased evaporation of the ocean.

    and  if you look at what the researcher say now about what the earth would be like if it got 10 degrees warmer.

    and what it did in the past

    and how much the researcher say is just the opposite of what did happen.

    can we even trust them to even be right about global warming being real.

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