
Climbing Mount Kenya with children

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Is it possible/advisable to trek up mount Kenya with an eight year old child? The child is fit and well and would enjoy the experience very much, I'm just not sure if it is allowed or advisable to take a child on such a trip. All advice and tips very welcome!




  1. Yes I agree with part of the first answer. Talk to the tour guide and see what he/she says. If you do bring a kid make sure to stop every  quarter of a mile about and DRINK WATER. Wear good shoes and appropriate clothes for the weather. Make sure if the kid wants to stop STOP. One last thing... Don't pack heavily! Good luck! Have a great time.

  2. I would not take a child that young on a climb like that.  Speak to your guide, and take his advice

  3. not really advisable

  4. 'character building' is what they used to call it.

    the child is fit and healthy, what an adventure for him/her.

    wish i was coming too

    go for it, the child will remember it forever.

    good luck!

  5. I climbed Mount Kenya 3 years ago aged 33 and found it an ordeal, but thoroughly enjoyable.

    I did it over 4 days, and this required that I get up on day 3 at 4am to make Point Lenana for 7am at sunrise, to get back to Moses Camp before dark.

    I wouldn't recommend the climb for an 8 year old child, as in reality they would be just as happy getting looking out at the top of the escarpment at Lake Nakuru.

    But if you really decide that you want to do it (and lets face it, it's your wish to do this, I doubt very much that your child is begging you to do the climb with them!), and you have to take you child, then take at least 5 days, or ideally 6 and take your time doing it.

    Bear in mind that at the higher camp stations on the mountain, the weather drops below freezing even in the peak of summer, and that Point Lenana will be sub zero, and so makes sure you both dress appropriately even though its very very warm and humid near the bottom.

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