So, hi there. My name is Paul. I'm 18. I just turned so about two weeks ago.
I'm young at heart. ^_^
Tell me. When was the last time you climbed a tree, just for fun? Or ate an entire bucket of ice cream? Or just ran like you were a kid before, without fear of judgment? When was the last time you really lived in the moment?
I've been wondering... since I turned 18, nothing really changed for me. I'm still the same person. I figured things would be different but they really aren't. I can tell you this much, I climbed a tree yesterday, actually like five of them, and I was astonished at the looks people gave me. Like, I was a freak or something. Why is having simple fun a taboo in society? I can't get past that. A few people did smile at me though.
I guess you can tell a lot about a person's personality just by this. It's interesting...
So tell me, when was the last time you truly lived in the moment, as a kid?