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My daughter is 10 months old and for the past 3 months she has only let her father or I hold her, or she gets hysterical to the point of choking she is crying that hard. She will sit and play with others, she just hates being picked up by anyone else. Has anyone else been through this phase? How long did it last? Do you think it'll get any better when she's walking? She's around other people a lot, but it's impossible to get her used to being held by them as she gets in such a state. I dont feel tense when i pass her to them/they pick her up as i'm resigned to her reaction now, so she's not picking up on my nervousness. Should we just stick with just us holding her til she's comfortable with others rather than trying to get her used to it sooner?




  1. Try having a someone have food, a treat or a new toy and be standing with it. When she wants it hold her but get very close to the other person let them talk to her nice and soft and tell her she is a good girl. try to do a group hug and james bond her over to them LOL. There is a reason why she is glued to you two, if it is someone was mean or did wrong with her (dropped her) or as she grew someone held her and barley ever let others hold her. Its hard to know why shes like that with out knowing her life story. LOL

  2. She'll come around in her own good time.  My granddaughter wouldn't come to me when she was very small and really screamed.  It was very upsetting but now I have her all day every Wednesday and she is very happy with me.  She squeals with joy when I arrive but whenever anyone else comes to the house she leaps on to my knee.  She was two years old yesterday.  Some children need more time; there is nothing wrong with her.  Just cuddle her and make her feel secure.

  3. It's just a phase, there isn't much you can do about it. If other people will play with her and interact with her, give her toys etc, she will eventually let somebody else pick up, but might take some time, don't fight her on this it will have to happen in her own time.

  4. this is normal, she will grow out of it.
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