
Clingly camper?

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So I work at this camp and one of the campers is really clingy. She is only 6 years old, but she always wants to be with me and hold my hand. I tell her that she should go play with the other campers too, but she just wants to stay with me. There are other campers in my camp that I would like to get to know to, but she is just too clingy. It sometimes, gets annoying because I want to interact with the other campers who are all between the ages of 5-7 to be able to get to know them better. What should I do?




  1. you can set up an attention diversion, and hopefully she will play with that instead. Or, you could also tell her to give you a moment to visit with the other campers.

    Sometimes the children just feel uncomfortable and shy when they aren't in their own environment, it kinda shakes them up a little and makes them more timid than normal.

  2. she is probably reminded of someone she trusts at home.  most times when kids are clingy, they are not used to being away from home, and she most likely is scared and intimidated by all those other kids.  try to be patient with her, and try not to get annoyed too much, because she really doesn't know better.  try to get her involved in something the other kids are doing, not just saying 'hey why don't you go play with those kids' or something like that.  you could also try speaking with her mom/dad/guardian, because it may also be the way she is.  she might just have that kind of personality.

  3. smack dat *****!!!!

  4. haha,. i think she probably just admires u

    thats cute
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