
Clinical Depression??? ?

by  |  earlier

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I cry everyday and every night.. I lost a pregnancy in February and the relationship last month. After I lost the pregnancy, I discovered that the man I was so much in love with was planning to move out to another state behind my back.. We eventually broke up last month and he moved. His children hated me for no apparent reason - My son and I were very very nice to them. We opened our homes and our heart to them. It all started with the pregancy.. my hormones were acting up and I had no clue what was going on.. then I had a miscarriage and shortly after (while I was still miscarrying naturally) he was applying to jobs and searching apartments in another state...

Now - he is gone since last month - I asked him to leave because I was so fed up o everything - him not caring about me - him not being there for me mentally when i was losing his child - him doing things like planning to move states behind my back..I got fed up of his children disrespecting me and being mean to my son.. (just because their father lived with us - it is not my son's fault.. we gave this man a home when he didnt have a home..) I went away on a trip and his children came to stay at my house for a month.. They made themselves very comfortable to my things and my son's things but the day before I came back, they asked their father to drop them at their grandmas because they don't like me. (They were visiting from another state for the summer) - He could not stand up for me and ask them to respect me!!!!!

But I find myself crying everyday and feeling very hurt.. I wake up in the middle of the night with outbursts of crying.. and it lasts for hours.. I cry at work sometimes.. The pain is unbearable. And it has been over a month... Sometimes, I cry for the baby I lost.. Sometimes I cry for him.. and sometimes I cry for being treated this way..

Does this constitute as clinical depression?




  1. First I want to say I am sorry for what you are going through.  I actually went through a similar experience.  I believe that your hormones probably are messed up along with your heart.  Those two things mixed together are a nightmare.  I would totally suggest seeing a doctor for medication not because Im a huge pill person but because I have been there and understand that medication can help until your body and life are back to normal.  Also, if you can afford it, I would recommend a counselor to talk to, to be able to get off your chest all the things that are killing you inside.  It doesn't get better over night but it gets less fequent and less intense but every once in a while you will STILL wake up crying in the middle of the night.  TRUST ME... I have SO been there!  Ask God to heal your broken heart and give you peace.  

  2. It sounds like you are very lucky to be out of this relationship. This man sounds like a loser, and while the loss of your pregnancy may be playing havoc with your hormones, you may need a little help in dealing with your feelings. It sounds like this guy and his kids did a number on your self esteem. Don't blame yourself for the failure of this relationship. Talk to someone, either a friend or relative who knows you well and you trust or a minister or mental health professional. I'm sure that eventually you will be glad that this situation turned out the way it did for you and your son. Certainly, you deserve better, so don't sell yourself short. Good luck to you.  

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