
Clinically depressed mom without meds for a few days longer, how can I help regulate my emotions without them?

by Guest44968  |  earlier

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I have been without my meds for over a week and will be without them for at least three more days. We are living paycheck to paycheck, but we usually always have enough money for the things we need, not a lot of what we want but most always for the things we need. My husbands boss changed his allowances on his w4 last paycheck so we received 600 less then what we should have, had he not pulled that trick we wouldn't be in this mess with meds and diapers that we are. With my husbands recent pay raise that takes effect with this next paycheck we will finally be able to start a savings account. Anyways onto the real question, just wanted to give background to hopefully keep the mean people from making inappropriate comments.

My meds regulate me perfectly, they have now gone completely from my system and my behavior is going wonky again, my family suffers for it. What can i do to help myself regulate without them until I can get them refilled later this week?




  1. Exercise is always good to produce that serotonin that you need.  

    You could try St John's Wort, but that's another expense & it takes a while for it to take effect.  

    Laugh.  A lot.

    Meditate - even for 5 or 10 minutes, just finding your center is a good thing.

    Interesting article re: natural serotonin in foods:

    Go easy on yourself & ask the kids to do so, too.  Let the housework slide a bit (but not enough to make you feel overwhelmed & depressed).  Relax.

  2. Honestly, I don't think there is anyting you CAN do besides try not to get stressed -out, or over excited about things.

    Have you tried calling the company that makes the medication? sometimes they will provide you with 'samples' or try calling your doctor's office and explaining - they always keep samples on hand, and maybe they can float you until your hubby gets paid.

    I understand completely where your coming from, and without diapers, and extra cash I know stress tends to knock on the door, but don't let it get the best of you - just try to spend as much time with your kid(s) and hubby as possible - things will work out.

  3. You don't mention the meds you are taking.  It helps to know which ones you are on.  I take Wellbutrin XL and have found that when I have run out in the past and could not refill for a substantial amount of time that lots of caffeine, Omega 3-6-9 and time alone helped.  You can also call your doctor and let them know you cannot refill right away and many times they can give you samples to fill the gap.

  4. Try to keep yourself away from stressful situations or even allowing yourself to think about stressful situations. I find that those are the things that throw me into a tailspin when I miss doses.

    Get outside as much as you can to get some sunlight which will also help lift spirits as well as get you some extra vitamin D which can kind of help even you out.

    Odds are at some point in this period you are going to feel yourself go 'wonky' as you put it. Know those signs (you know yourself best) and remove yourself from whatever it is you're doing and take a few moments for yourself to chill. Take a bath if you can...sit in the sun and read a smutty celeb magazine (things that take no thinking...)...

    Good luck to you!!!

  5. If it is nerves.. you can get St. Johns Wart for a couple dollars from Wal-Mart. Other than that, you may have to improvise. What symptoms do you suffer? If you have trouble falling asleep take some Tylenol nighttime. If you are edgy and nervous- maybe a dose of NyQuil (but don't drive). Years ago when I had anxiety I had to take St. Johns Wart.

  6. You need to breath, go outside take deep breaths, go in the bathroom and read for a few min, scream into a pillow. I feel you, I know what it's like, When you feel the anger rising and you feel like lashing out, put the kids in a safe place, and take a few min for yourself, count yourself down, think about a nice beach,white sand,blue-green water and you standing there all by yourself. Well this is what helps me, and I don't like to take anything unless really needed.

  7. Be careful going off and on your medicines it can have serious side effects and can stop working for you in the right ways.

  8. Look into Wal Mart or Walgreens/CVS's $4 prescription program.  I am a diagnosed clinical depressed mother of two.  I learned to do completely without medication, but it took two years in order for me to cope without them.  I stay active and use positive thinking to help curb the depression and I pray....a lot.  But I do realize that a lot of people that are diagnosed as clinically depressed cannot go without medication, so please don't think I am telling you to do the same.  I discussed of that with my doctor and she approved and helped through it as did my counselor.

    Do your best to avert negative thoughts with positive thoughts.  When you start to feel depressed, talk about or journal it so that you can get it out.  Holding it in will make it worse, as I'm sure you know.  If you are open to praying, then do try that.  Nothing is too big for God to handle.  I'll pray for you now that God would be with you through these next couple of days and keep your emotions regulated.  If you feel too extreme, call someone and have them come help.  Don't allow the depression to rule you.  You can do it.  I have confidence in you!

  9. You should have contacted your doctors office.  They normally have many sample packs of meds that he may have been able to give you.

    I have read many of your questions and you keep talking about the short pay.  If his employer made a mistake I am sure that they would have least given him a small advance so that you could get your meds and diapers.

  10. I would say probably a repeat of the other two, being, try not to stress yourself out too much. If possible have a nap if possible (make a large 'tent' in the middle of the livingroom out of chairs and bedsheets...even older ones might lay down for a nap/movie), have a bath at night, let the housework slide for a week...because honestly..who cares! try to get to bed early, if possible get a sitter in (family or friends?) and go for a walk or even just read a book in the sun. Also, if possible you should talk to your doctor about getting a week or two worth of meds ahead of time so that if something like this were to happen again you won't be without. good luck!

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