
Clinton's Military wisdom?

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Presidential candidate Clinton has challenged the Pentagon on military policies and practices. Although senators and congressmen have need for a great amount of national security information they are not privy to everything. The "Need to Know" standard must be met. Clinton has no military experience and very limited knowledge of the military organization and functions. Neither she nor her closest advisor (Bill) has military experience. Soldiers who have seen war first hand, seen soldiers die and felt the pain of the wounded know and respect war best. Do you agree that if she obtains information from the pentagon it will most likely end up twisted into her campaign with potential misinformation and a compromise of controlled information?




  1. about as much as bush, who has no military experience other than leaving Alabama, takes it and twists it.

  2. Hillary and Bill will do whatever they think is best for Hilary and Bill.

  3. The Clintons will do the same thing that they did the last time they ran the country.....ignore the threats and worry only about those things that put them in a bad light.

    Much of our current trouble can be directly laid on the Clintons lack of ability when they had the chance. For her to make any comments about things is 100% phony balony.

  4. Shes on the Senate Armed Services Committee.She asked about our pullout plans.  Thats not the same thing as Grandma wanting to know what the h**l they got up their sleeve.

    I might remind you that despite having posed on an aircraft carrier and learning how to fly a plane over Texas and Georgia, Bush has actually proven how little he knows about the military.  At least Hillary was in office in Washington while Bush was whacking bushes.  You might also remember that when the Iraq war started the generals didn't think it was a good idea, the ones that disagreed with Bush were fired, and the ones that got us into this mess got the medals.

  5. The questions she has asked are well within her duties as a Senator in the Armed Services Committee.  The questions are neither out of line or unusual. Just some more sad political warfare by the political neocons in the pentagon.

  6. Clinton's Military wisdom? that is a dichotomy.  

    during the clinton's last reign, they almost destroyed our military.  i hope they don't get a chance to finish what they started.

  7. No, and if she were evaluating the withdrawal proposals for tactical reasons you would be correct.

    However, the information she asked for is how long it would take, what the costs would be, and what the expected casualty rates are.

    And as a Senator with security clearance, she is both legally and ethically entitled to ask those questions before voting on the issue.

  8. Yeah, the Penthagon is known for his accurate information, truthful and honest work...right!

  9. Absolutely she will take what she learns and mismanage/misrepresent it to her benefit....she is after all a politician.

  10. if Clinton obtains information from the Pentagon, it will most likely already BE twisted information.

    and i'm not sure what you're getting at here...  are you saying that a candidate with no military experience should not be President?  if so, would you say FDR was a bad President?  how about Thomas Jefferson, the father of our Constitution?  almost 40% of our Presidents have either never served or never seen military action.

  11. "Clinton" and "military wisdom" is an oxymoron.

  12. hillary is just placating her leftist base. if push comes to shove, i think hillary would be as tough as they come. i won't vote for her, but who knows, she might be another Golda Meier.

  13. hmmm,  "potential misinformation and a compromise of controlled information?"  oh you mean such as the current president (who actually deserted the military).

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