
Clinton's cascading personalities are making me dizzy! She's too unnatural.. Who agrees?

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It seems as though Clinton has a million different personalities..

And am I the only person who finds her humor mildly twisted?

And on top of that Hillary is saying that she is the only candidate capable of leading the U.S in a war, when she helped in leading the U.S into that war.

I am not impressed.....




  1. the fake cry she did made me want to vomit. There's no crying in politics!!! Obama all the way.

  2. The more I hear her, the more I kinda understand her. She's Ok...Not that I would ever vote for her.

    McCain 08.

  3. WHo is going to answer the phone at 3 am? I don't think Bill was any better at it in the beginning of their term..It is on the job training..for all of them..She doesn't have 35 years of experience..only the experience as a Senator..not much more if any than Barck

  4. Count me.

  5. She wants to bomb the world at 3am.  Weird.

  6. don't vote for her then

  7. Clinton plays that game and she plays it too well. She's a technocrat and that's what's scary. She has proven that she will sway her stance to please lobbyist.

    Research her voting record and you'll see dangerous habit of siding with George W.

    In 02 she voted for the war and used her experience to support her decision.

    At the same time, Obama was running for senator and was stating that he's not for the war and that we need the support of other nations or we'll be digging a hole.

    With all her experience, Clinton SHOULD OF KNOWN THIS. Why didn't she?

    In 07 she voted with the right and voted to call the Iranian Guard a terrorist organization. That's fine, except they're apart of the Iranian army and under that vote would give Bush the ability to invade Iran, too.

    Maybe, she'd do well in domestic policy but she'll be horrible in foreign policy.

    People say that Clinton and Obama have the same ideas and they do share similiar views and but their methods and methodology is different. Clintons methodology alarms me.

  8. I don't know what you are talking about.  You must live in China.



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