
Clinton/Obama question?

by Guest66044  |  earlier

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Everyone says Obama didn't consider Hillary, but how do you know whether or not Hillary just decided to pass on the VP position. Maybe she wants to run for president with a clean slate. Maybe she decided to take a different position with his staff.

What's your take on my question? It's just a hypothetical question.




  1. jimmy carter advised him away b/c hillary can be a little stronger than he is

  2. she wasn't vetted and the text message at 3 in the morning announcing his decision was a direct slap in her face.

  3. I am very glad she is not his running mate, after hearing Palin speak .Hillary would not make a pimple on Palins butt.

  4. I agree with you. She has a vested interest in Obama losing. Both her and Bill do!!

    Hilary is old news... Sarah Palin is what's new and will probably be President before old Hilary will... that is why Mrs. Clinton is soOo pissed with her selection as McCain's VP pick!!

    Words of advie... forget about Hilary because everyone else already has!!  

  5. I was a Democrat for 27 years and I would NEVER vote for obama HE has NO Experience!

    I have been told that's what advisers are for BUT what happens if he doesn't have an adviser and has to make a snap decision. There is no take backs when you are the president.

  6. obama did NOT want Bill in the WHITE HOUSE

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