
Clinton Portis apologizes

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Clinton Portis apologizes
Washington Redskins running back Clinton Portis had a plenty to say on the radio Tuesday about women reporters in NFL locker rooms. The league condemned his comments as offensive and Portis later apologized through Redskins.
Addressing in the NFL’s investigation of the New York’s jets treatment of TV Azteca reporter Ines Sainz, Portis said that both the sides have wandering eyes when the sexes are mixed in such a setting.
"I think you put women reporters in the locker room in position to see guys walking around naked, and you sit in the locker room with 53 guys, and all of the sudden you see a nice woman in the locker room. I think men are going
to tend to turn and look and want to say something to that woman," Portis said in his weekly appearance on 106.7 The Fan.
After a few players made catcalls directed at Sainz on Saturday, the jets were being investigated while she was waiting to interview quarterback Mark Sanchez. Also, an assistant coach threw the ball to players who were near Sainz
during a practice drill.
Portis said in his weekly appearance that he wasn’t aware of what went on with Sainz, but he also offered his opinion on what he considered to be a female reporter’s perspective.
"You know, somebody got to spark her interest, or she's going to want somebody. I don't know what kind of woman won't, if you get to go and look at 53 men's [bodies]," Portis said. "I know you're doing a job, but at the same time,
the same way I'm going to cut my eye if I see somebody worth talking to, I'm sure they do the same thing."
NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said that the comments are clearly offensive and have no place in the NFL. He also said that they have contacted the Redskins and they will discuss the matter directly with Mr. Portis.
A few hours later Redskins issued the statement from Portis.
"I was wrong to make the comments I did, and I apologize," the statement said. "I respect the job that all reporters do. It is a tough job and we all have to work and act in a professional manner. I understand and support the team
on these issues."
Redskins’ spokesman Tony Wyllie also issued a statement which said that they will remind everyone about it and will take necessary steps. But he did not say what those necessary steps will be.
The Association for women in sports media said that it has been in contact with the NFL about Portis’ remarks and appreciates the league’s swift response.
The AWSM also released a statement detailing the history of the legal battle for equal access to the locker rooms.
The statement said that AWSM continues to monitor issues regarding locker room access and is committed to helping create and maintain a work environment that is free of harassment and hostility.
In the past Portis stayed away through this year’s training camp and preseason.
The statement cleared everything about Portis’ remarks and brought a revolution in the world of media. The players are now much concerned about the remarks of their team mates and are now more careful.
Both the media of women sports association and men sports association appreciate Redskins for keeping a contact with the players.
"I realize you can't satisfy people," Portis said last week. "And there's no reason to continue to try, no matter what you do. If I talk to the media, the headline's going to be I bash somebody I shouldn't bash. If I don't talk
to the media, I'm a jerk for not speaking, so you can't satisfy people."
The statement shows that Portis doesn’t bother at all to satisfy people, not only by his game but also through his remarks and comments.



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