
Clinton Stole Stuff from White House. Can we Expect Obama to do the Same? Why?

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Clinton Stole Stuff from White House. Can we Expect Obama to do the Same? Why?




  1. He will never get the chance,Thank God.

  2. Ohh..I see - its becouse he is an african american guy - and all the cons avtomatically put on their racial steriotypes. Keep showing us your true collors!

  3. I think they check the waitstaff before they leave the building.

  4. Bush stole things from this country and other countries.  I'm sure you can expect the same thing from McCain.  He promises to continue his party's war to continue sending government money to special interest groups like oil companies and both war and defense contractors, although the war is proven to be more about the Republican Weapons of Mass Deception than Weapons of Mass Destruction.  Don't forget that Giuliani, who spoke up for McCain, used tax dollars to hire security to protect his mistress long after he left office.  How come his political career is not over?  How come he got knighted by England for being in office when the towers were attacked, and was able to run for president?  When the same police and firefighters they remind us are heroes join teachers and soldiers to fight for raises and essential benefits after injury, Giuliani laughed at them.  He turned loose police dogs to bite up children protesting budget cuts in City Hall and maced them.  After all this was done, he raised his salary $50,000.  This does not come up at all.  If that is not theft of resources, I don't know what is.  

  5. Obama will never get the chance. After November he will crawl back into the hole he came out of & McCain will be our president.

  6. That's a rant-radio lie.  The GAO disproved that, and also all the claims of damaged office equipement (W removed from keyboards)

    Completely fabricated.

  7. Democrats are childish and dishonest

  8. No but George W Bush will.

  9. Is this a racist question because they are both black?

  10. Too little too late. Clinton is not on the ticket..

  11. OK first off just cuzz Clinton has an accent it does not mean he is black secondly people steal weird **** everyday think about your trip to the ER i know someone walked away with a couple pairs of rubber gloves...and what about the hotel did you really NEED them little cheap soaps???.....People have a habit of taking things to which none has claimed possession of it's kind of like natural instinct to gather and to collect and also to reflect a memory

  12. He won't get the chance unless President MCCain invites him over for breakfast and then they better use plastic utensils.

  13. Obama isn't that low.

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