
Clinton Supporters flocking to Palin...Why?

by Guest56669  |  earlier

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She stands for the complete opposite on almost all her values and called Hillary Clinton a whiner. McCain just volunteered his wife's b***s in a wet t-shirt contest at a rally and you thinking about voting for him? The same argument that you had with Obama followers are the same thing you are doing... I thought you guys were smarter than that...




  1. and  that is why they are not supporting her as famous rapper said Dont Believe the Hype.Its Neat how Republican use avatars to disguse themsleves as Dems but just like Mccain is trying pull fast one By his Vp pick u r- not fooling us Hillary supporters r not voting for MCCAIN

  2. They all hate Barry.

  3. Did you not see what Obama and the dems did to Hillary. I don't consider myself a dem anymore. I'm going with a party that respects women.

  4. Because she is a white red neck who  is pro everything.

  5. WHY NOT?? How quickly people are to judge! Clinton slammed nobama many times and now shes kissing his azz.. shesh.. politicions will say anything to get that vote..

    BIG difference with Palin, she shoots straight from the hip and will take on ANYONE regardless if its DEM or REB

    She has MUCH MORE experience in politics and govt then Obama

    Yes I know we are voting for president and not VP but in my book WHEN McCain is president and if anything should happen to him, I know I would feel safe with her becoming President! She is more like the average American then nobama claims to be and I like that she fishes and hunts ( like us gun toting people in PA) She is  a life time member of the NRA , is against abortion and has strong religious values.... Yes shes a GREAT CHOICE in my book, just what we need!!!


    added.... and at least when her and her husband had their child that has downs syndrom, they chose to deal with the situation in a postive way and choose to raise the child.... NOBAMA would have ABORTED IT!!!

    added...."just cleared the way for a woman that will be ignoring her newborn child "

    hmmm seems to me choosing to keep the child is NOT ignoring it... giving it up or ABORTING would be....

    nobama robots are out in full force today *LMAO*

  6. women vote for women.  Blacks vote for Blacks.  That is how a politician thinks.

    Democrats offer welfare

    Republicans offer warfare

    Democrats offer higher taxes

    Republicans offer deficit spending

    Libertarians offer none of the above



    ooO_(_ )_Ooo________________________________



  7. Even as a Hillary supporter, it remains to be seen just how many Clinton supporters will be "flocking to Palin."  I guess you can't get away from the fact that if Hillary had won the nomination over Obama, there'd be people planning to protest vote away from Hillary and the Democrats right now!  So I don't know why it's any surprise that there are still Democrats refusing to side with Obama.

    It would make sense if it transpires that McCain will now get some of the female Conservative Democrats, and maybe many of the older Democratic voters.  It is a gamble, but I agree with some people who think that it's a gamble worth taking.  After all, this was (and probably still is) the Democrats election to lose, so the fact that McCain holds his own in the polls right now speaks volumes.

  8. For the posters out there who believe no Hillary supporter will ultimately support McCain / Palin they are wrong as I was a Hillary supporter and I am supporting McCain. McCain's pick of a non-establishment candidate that was not like Huckabee or Romney was the icing on the cake for me. My reason for supporting McCain is due to his unequivocal support for Israel and his refusal not to support splitting Jerusalem. Him adding a woman to the ticket reinforced my decision to support him over Obama's narcissism.

    Obama in my opinion is narcissistic and in love with himself. He does not understand the concept of unity, how to heal divisions nor does he understand how to be a leader. Every opportunity that Obama had to unify the Democratic party, to control the message, and to bring Hillary supporters into his campaign he has refused. Instead he has made the campaign about himself, the love of himself, and ignoring what the people of this country want.

    Palin's nomination is attractive to Hillary supporters not because she is a woman but represents something that Hillary supporters wanted a woman on the ticket. It symbolizes the chance to crack the final barrier for women in American society a chance to be president or at least Vice-President. Obama overlooked this and arrogantly believed because he was the nominee that after time Hillary supporters will choose him over McCain. Also her nomination for some Hillary supporters makes it easier to support McCain in protest of the Democratic Party mistreating Hillary in their eyes. I believe with the Palin nomination  not all of them will come back to Obama and puts his chance at winning the White House further out of reach.

    Obama will have to do some things in the next 2 months to bring at least 16 million of Hillary's supporters back otherwise it will be a McCain blow out. In my opinion the reason why Hillary supporter like Palin is it gives them a voice to say to the Democratic Party you blew us off in regard to Hillary and we are now going to blow you off by voting for McCain. Hopefully when McCain wins the Democratic Party will wake up and realize Obama was the wrong choice and that the Party must improve in regard to its treatment of women candidates.

  9. Look at all these ridiculous comments you have received.  This is the reason America is in a total mess today. I thought you Americans would have learned a lesson after voting for Bush twice? Obviously not, to even consider a 73 year old man and a 44 year old mother of 5 for a very important job is putting the nation at risk. If McCain died and Palin became President there will be mass panic around the world. America could even be invaded/attacked.  

    All I can say these so called "clinton supporters" were never really clinton supporters and were only supporting Hillary because she was a woman.

  10. I think it's absurd... I was a Clinton supporter and I watched her (Palin) snooze fest of a nomination speech and she talks about the 18 million Clinton supporters now having a choice... Yeah, whatever. Clinton is a very well educated, articulate woman who has been in and around public service for 30+ years. Palin has been busy making babies and sitting on the town council for Poedunk, AK. She in no way is a replacement for Sen. Clinton.

  11. Well if she stands for everything that Hillary is against, then I know for sure that I will be voting McCain/Palin in November.

  12. No logical reason that I can see. Many people wanting to "stick it to the Democratic Party" but are really only s******g themselves. Who are you really hurting by voting against yourself on every issue? If people out there  are dumb enough to vote for McCain because he has a woman on the ticket despite the fact that he and she believes the exact opposite on the important issues of this election then America has far more significant problems in sight then a failing economy and dependency on foreign oil. So you got your feelings hurt? Get over it. Use your brain.  On a sidenote, if McCain and Palin get elected, McCain croaks in the next four years (he is 72 already) and Palin becomes President, she will be a deer in the headlights and will absolutely fail miserably, ensuring an all MALE ticket for many many years to come.  

  13. She is honest, she has a record of getting things done, and she has more experience than Obama.

    She visited the troops in Iraq before Running for Vice President. She is a govenor, and she Governs with integrity, she is not in it to please her Republicans. Your right she is not Like Hillary, Hillary is 100% Democrat. This is an independent on the Republican ticket.

    Be smarter yourself, and check her out. Your not going to find line of friends and politicians, she has used to get where she is.

  14. They are not flocking to her don't insult their intelligence like that!

  15. It substantiates what a lot of political analyst were saying: some women were simply going to vote for Hillary because she is a woman. If they vote for McCain/Palin they will do so for the same reason.

  16. The DNC screwed Hillary and it's time for them to pay!

  17. No Democrat woman or any of the Clinton supporters are going to vote for Palin and McCain. Palin is whack, and did not do the work for their votes. She and McCain must think women are dumb. What a couple of idiots.

  18. because no one want obama to be president.

  19. This is one Clinton supporter that won't flock to Palin.

    McCain has a very long record of NOTrespecting women....offering his wife's chest for a wet t-shirt contest? calling his wife the C-word in public? choosing Palin as a ploy to attract Hilary Clinton's supporters? We're not idiots....we can see that Palin in no way compares to Hilary Clinton. Not even one teeny bit. It would be a great step backwards for US women to go for McCain because of his VP - HE'S the candidate and she will do whatever her boss and the Republican Party want.

    Switching my allegiance to Obama is a no-brainer.

  20. what are you talking about?  anyone who was a supporter of clinton's stance on women's rights and equal rights would never "flock" to palin's extreme right wing views.  she takes womens' rights in a backwards direction with her opposition to a woman's right to choose and g*y marriage.  i haven't heard of a single true clinton supporter who has jumped on the palin wagon.

  21. They are not, ppl will say they supported Hillary and now for McCain, they are lying.  Or they never voted for Hillary in the first place, or on the democratic side period. Hillary is on the other end of the spectrum.  Many are angry that McCain has insulted women nationwide, thinking we are so freasking stupid he will get our vote just b/c she is a woman.

  22. No Way.  Palin is a RABID conservative...Clinton's supporters are largely staunchly liberal.  

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