
Clinton is out and Obama is in, is Fox News Pissed or what?

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Everytime I tuned into faux news they were always working on ways to destroy obama's credibility, but now they are looking like very sore losers, which is great.




  1. Of course fox is pissed. they have 6 more months left in their free ride and after that, if they are still in business, they will be required to do real journalism and act like journalists. ratings for fox have been dropping like there is no tomorrow. other networks are covering just Obama and only few minutes of McCain. this is a payback to the Republicans by the networks. This administration was the worst in dealing with the media since Nixon. They have used the media as a puppet and it seems that finally the media has awaken. as the old saying goes, payback is a b***

  2. WHo cares, OBAMA RULES!

    I want him for president! lol

  3. Go to your pharmacy and ask for some reality pills. "Fox News" doesn't need to discredit Obama - he discredits himself.

    He has been associated with a weird church of hate for a couple of decades and makes contemptuous remarks about hard working people in small communities. He is completely out of touch with America. Even his wife says it's the first time she's proud to be an American, showing further disdain for our country on her husband's behalf.

    I assure you, he discredits himself and doesn't need "Fox News" to do it for him. Seek therapy for your liberal condition. You have revealed yourself as the poster child profile for the typical Obama voter.

  4. HAHAHA  Joseph C that was classic!

  5. No, they aren't.  It was something none of the other  channels were doing since they were treating him as the sovereign king.  So now that's he the nominee it will be even more fun for them to point out the flaws and baggage he carries and not have to mention Ms. Clinton.

    You are right by the way, the candidates this year stink.

  6. Who gives a sh*t what fox says, anyone listens to that c**p. NO!

    O'Reilly ............ Enough said!

    What Fox wouln't tell you about McCain:

    McCain's Preacher:

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