
Clip-on aero bars or just stick to the drops on my road bike.

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I have an upcoming triathlon (relatively short bike ride). The events are as follows: 750m swim, 40 km bike, 5 km run.

I own a full carbon lugged tube to tube road bike that is designed for racing. It has an aggressive more aero position but still no where near the same as some of the tri bikes i've seen.

So far I have been training for the cycling event with my local bike club (average roughly 31 - 32 km/hr over a 60km course) without aero bars. I was wondering if I should use my clip-on aero bars for the biking section or should I just stick to using the drops on my road bike. I see so many riders with improper aero positions on their road bikes because, well, road bikes aren't designed with the same geometry as tri-bikes.

Any opinions on this? Aerobars (are their useful on road bikes, would I gain any speed) or drops?






  1. I think stay with the drop bars on your road bike but if you can have a few training sessions with the drops will give you the extra edge and feel. being a rider myself i needed a few training session to get use to it.

  2. I'd say if you haven't the time to practice with them, don't use them for your upcoming tri. While they do help you really need to put in plenty of miles to become accustom to the position. Good luck on the race.

  3. I would buy them and put them on the bike. If you don't like them, you don't have to use them. What you bolt on you can also bolt off at any time. In the long run, they will be a good thing for you. My riding partner got a set of clip-on aero bars for his Cannondale R2000. He says they make a big difference, but it did take some time for him to get them installed properly and then get accustomed to them. I'll probably get a set myself for the centuries I'm planning for the fall when the heat lets up.


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