
Cliques in school.....?

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What is your opinion of them? Do you think they can have a powerful negative effect on those they determine to be beneath their standards? Should they be allowed to exist in schools? Would you want your child belonging to one?




  1. People with similar interests/looks are naturally attracted to each other.  The problem with cliques is that they teach kids to be friends with people who share similar interests, instead of people they are compatible with.  It can teach kids to overlook some very bad personality flaws, be uncomfortable, or act like somebody else just to maintain their membership in the "group" and this pattern can continue throughout life if parents don't acknowledge it.  If parents recognize this problem they can offset it.  Teach them that inclusion does not necessarily equal friendship and compatibility.  Teach kids what to look for in a real friend, and try to offset any negative effects (if you see them happening) of a clique.  

    However cliques aren't ALL bad.  The bottom line is, a "group" of friends usually involves people who all have similar interests and something in common.  Generally--something on a fairly superficial level.  Isn't this how we make acquaintances? Are "groups" of friends ever really deep friendships, or generally based on common intersts?

  2. i hate them, i belive they are bad i went to a big school where there was cliques and sadly i was a geek. i hated to go to school. kids picked on me all the time made me cry. i then i went to a smaller school and the classes were so small that there wasnt enough people to form cliques i think schools dont watch whats going on, to stop bullying etc

  3. Cliques are the worst thing that can happen in school. It is another form of bullying cause kids who cannot join a click feel isolated, and abused. This is another form of bullying and most children even those popular ones suffer by trying to either maintain appearances to stay in a click or to join one

  4. Cliques are just groups of ppl who share the same interests. If you are into art you will hang out with kids in your art class. If you are into football you will hang out with other football players. The only time a cliques becomes a bad thing is if we are not included in any of them or feel the need to be friends with ppl we don't like just becuase we think they are cool/popular. There is no way to get rid of cliques so Of course they should be allowed to exist in schools.

  5. Cliques are a way of life. Everyone can pick their own friends@

  6. I don't think cliques are bad per say as long as you teach your child how to handle situations with those involved.  My oldest is in middle school and for  now is not in that group but is associated by peer pressure when they tend to talk.  She comes home and informs me and we talk and i have convinced her that they are just who they want to be and that is the way it is.  i think these kids are taught by parents siblings and so on at home to act this way and get in these groups because they need their own support group at school and this is what they become.  my kids have learned that they shouldn't treat them different just because they act this way though and it has all worked out.  my daughter has adjusting and gets along with most of everyone.  i don't want her to be in those but there are all kinds of so called cliques just some call themselves clubs and so on.  as long as they are bringing harm to themselves or those around them it wouldn't bother me.

    good luck and god bless

  7. It depends on the clinque and what they do...some can be bad and some can be my school they are bad

  8. I think the cliques are more from the parents than the child.  I have seen kids in my daughters class that are funny, bright and smart that are shunned because of how they dress or what  kind of house they live in and yes I think it has a negative effect on that child as well as the kids doing the shunning.  Kids need to be taught to not judge by looks or appearance or what someone has but instead of how that kid is as a person this is why in one way I think if all schools went to uniforms it would cut down on some of the stress for kids in school.  My oldest is in high school now and she has always been one of the popular kids into sports, cheerleading, clubs etc but she has friends from all social circles because she goes with what she likes not what the others say.  My kids all know if they shun another kid they better have a good reason for it and not just because one of their friends is or I get upset.

  9. Cliques will always be in our schools even if we try and regulate them. I wish there was a way to stop it because they do have a negative affect even in society.

  10. In my view cliques shouldnt be allowed in schools. However unfortunately everywhere you go anything you do in this life there were always be cliques. Its the human nature.

  11. There will always be cliques. No matter what precautions the school will take (uniforms, rules, etc.) they will always be there. They can be mean and condesending, but can only affect you if they let you.

  12. Unfortunatly cliques have been around from the begining of god knows when and they aren't going anywhere. I personally hate most of them but making a decision on such a broad scale is impossible. Are we talking more about the preppie's, the jocks, the nerds, the cheerleaders do you see what I mean I was involved in odyssey of the mind when I was young I guess you could call it a clique we all stayed pretty close to one another. I think you are talking more about the groups of people that every school has those who think that their poo don't snink and that you aren't worth their time. I agree something should be done but that is more on a parenting level their parent's need to teach them that the world dosen't revolve around them. and they won't. because chances are they are exactly the same. the only consilation is that those people are useually the ones who end up in horrible relationships for the rest of their lives. I don't know if this answered anything or not but here you go

  13. I think cliques are really bad for the people in them and the people purposely left out. They are really stupid. I think the schools should do what they can to discourage them and maybe they can do this through education and videos.

  14. There is no way you can stop cliques at school! Unfortunately, there will always be the groups...Popular girls, Jocks, Nerds, Outcasts etc...each one of these groups start out as harmless...just a few people getting together with other people who are similar to them and thats fine, but then they start to grow...and especially in the popular groups and jocks groups., people feel like they are better than everyone else and so they start to make that known to everybody...this can lead to bullying, teasing etc...which is not fair to anyone...not even themselves...they get themselves into a situation where they cannot stop no matter what...

    cliques can lead to so many disasters, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, fighting etc.

    like i said, there is no way to stop them but there is a way to get your child to stay out of them...tell your kids how you feel about these little groups and the consequences of getting involved in one of them or listening to people who ridicule them!

  15. I think cliques are a very bad thing. in a prefect world everyone would get along but it's not. cliques defiantly have an impact on the kids that aren't in one and not in a positive way. I've noticed that with most kids it makes them feel unwanted - not "cool" like an outcast. its not good for self esteem. Not to mention when those cliques get something up their butt and start talking badly about people. Should it be allowed in schools? probably not but there's no real way to prevent it. I wouldn't want my daughter in a "clique" i would want her to be unique and NICE to everyone (even if they aren't the coolest)

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