
Clocks going backward and forwards........?

by  |  earlier

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Who else thinks this is a silly idea, and does anyone know who started this practice and when?




  1. Without entering into the arguments of the merits of daylight saving, I can tell you that it was devised during WW1 to assist farmers.

  2. it was devised to allow school kids to go to school in daylight and get home in same

  3. silly.

  4. I thing it's a stupid idea to change the clocks backward OR forward.It may create more daylight hours but,in the summer,creates higher electric bills,having the air conditioner running longer,until the sun goes down.

    It proves nothing and solves nothing.

  5. Jungle - How would the winter be any darker?

    In fact you are completely arsed up on this topic. Daylight savings make the summer days longer and therefore brighter, while for winter it means we get F-ALL sunshine .

    Personally by not having daylight savings it would mean we would get a more moderate range of daylight hours, rather than the extreme we get right now.

  6. it makes sense,believe it or not.. due to seasonal adjustments.

    if they didn't change , the winter would be darker for longer.

    esp. in scotland etc.. the way it is now the daylight hours are more

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