
Clomid, 2 days late, test says neg! :(?

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Hi all!

Me and hubby have been trying for a baby for over 4 years now. I am on my 3rd month of clomid 50mg(next cycle would be 4th month of clomid) but I am 2 days late on my period. I took a test this morning and it said neg, (DISAPPOINTMENT)!

Do you think I could be pregs and when would be the best time to take another test??? Could it be my turn?? in anyway possible? :)

I haven't had any symptoms of pregnancy ie: tenderness, cm etc??

My first 2months on clomid my cycles stayed exactly the same 27days in between cycles (the same as it always has been.)

Clomid hasn't delayed my period previously but I have read that clomid may delay cycles due to late ovulation?

I really wish I am pregs!

I should really go for a blood test, but dont want to do it if I am only a couple of days late, so also how long should I wait before I have a blood test if the preg tests are neg?

Please help me!

Thank You very much for all your answers





  1. well you can always go the clinic and find out with one of there tests.. but sometimes when you want to have a baby so badly it messes with your body. try to stay calm and wait a day or so if you havent started then go in to the health clinic and get a test.

  2. good luck. i would wait five days. if no period then go get blod test. you may need to explain this to your dr so he or she can add this to your records. good luck. im on clomid (2nd time) and waiting tomorrow to test

  3. Just to add to the other good answers, my RE's nurse says that when they put a woman on the 50mg Clomid from CD5-9 (the smallest dose on the least instrusive schedule) they tell them to expect ovulation to be 4 days later than normal. That's the average. So in turn, AF will also be 4 days later, again on average. So certainly wait 5 days and good luck!

  4. I am really really sorry but all you can do is wait.  You are right chlomid can put your cycle off because of late ovulation, maybe this is what happened to you and you are testing for pregnancy too early??  I was on chlomid for 5 cycles and all of them were between 28 and 30 days remember that 2 days can be a big gap when testing for pregnancy maybe your cycle is going to be more like 30 days or slightly longer.  Did you ovulate this month and have that confirmed by a blood test???  I didnt ovulate on 1 of my cycles and my period was delayed loads and didnt get af until like 40 days if I remember rightly.

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