Hiya Everyone, I placed a question on here the other day as I am on clomid 50mg, I am going into my 4th cycle of clomid. The things is I was 5 days late on af yesterday morning. I was so convinced that I may be pregs. Then started bleeding lightly last night, and had cramps. Just like a period! Same today, not much but quite normal for the first couple of days of my period. I read up about implantation bleeding last night and have confused myself now! I dont know whether I should start taking clomid today as I usually take it days 1-5, or whether I should wait as I was told clomid could harm the baby (If I was preg). I still have cramping today which isnt normal. I was thinking I should wait to take clomid and take it says 5-9 instead this month. I have never been late before and always have a 27 day cycle. I also read that clomid could have made me ovulate late and hence having a late period! I took a test the other day and it said neg but was then told to wait another week and try again. I am just needing to know how do I know if this is implantation bleeding or just my period?? The bleeding now is a bit diff to my usual period, but is heavier than last night now. What should I do?? I am really upset due to having really put my mind on being pregs! But then knew it was probably too good to be true!
Please help me!
Xx Thank You