
Clomid.. When will i have my period ?

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I am on my first cycle of CLOMID 50mg, Blood test results showed i ovulated, Today it is the 30th day and i haven't got my periods yet!! The preg test came negative, Can anybody tell me when actually to test for preg? And when can i expect my period tests are negative?




  1. When I did my first month of 50mg clomid last month, my ob told me not to take a test until cd35. She said a test before then is a waste because it won't show up correctly until cd35. I would wait 5 more days and take another test. Possibly a clear blue digital. The reason you wait is because you may have ovulated later than you normally do. If you pd doesn't show after cd35, then call your doc, they should do a blood test and then you will know for sure. If it comes back negative, and your pd still hasnt' come, then they may want you to start on provera for your next cycle to start. Hope this info helps you.

  2. My RE's nurse told me that Clomid delays ovulation by an average of 4 days, so that would normally also delay AF by 4 days too.

  3. I completed my second cycle of clomid this month, this time 150mg. It hasn't made my cycles any longer, they have still been regular so far.

  4. I don't know if I ovulated or not but my first cycle of clomid was 45 days long. I'm now on my second cycle (CD 20). Hopefully yours won't be as long as that

  5. hi there my first month on clomid was last month, and i tested on day 28 (which was a saturday) and would show up as the right result if you ovulated on day 14 or earilyier, (if you had day 21 results you prob did ovulate on day 13/14)  mine was bfn, and i got a period about 1 week after, (well i started spotting on the friday and full period on the saturday.

    but it's brilliant you ovulated!, (i dont normally ovulate on my own and was pleased i ovulated, hoping we can get a bfp now)

    good luck xx

    p.s don't forget to start your next lot of clomid on day 2 of your period  take care xx

    caz x

  6. Well with chlomid everyones cycles are different.  Mine were normally between 28 and 30 days at the same dose as yourself.  I would suggest that you do another test tomorrow using your first morning urine and use a sensitive hpt like clear blue or first response and this should give you a better idea.  If this test shows negative I would imagine that you are not pregnant and will get your period shorly.  It would be due about 14 days after you ovulated.

    Any more questions with chlomid I would be more than happy to try and help you.  I used it for 5 cycles myself and I am now 28 weeks pregnant after trying for 2 and a half years.

    Good Luck for you experiencing the same joy as me with this wonder drug.

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