
Clomid and ovulation.

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My friend is ovulating and has been given clomid to help with TTC.

Should she still test for ovulation with a OPK CD10 like the people that don't ovulate do?





  1. normally clomid results in an ovulation about 8-10 days after the last dose.  I have been on it for four cycles, my O is 9 days after my last pill every time.  If this is her first month taking it, it may not happen at all, but tell her to have faith, it will come.  An opk doesnt hurt, just to make sure you dont miss that opportunity, but make sure she does it in the afternoon, when they are more accurate, and dont over invest time and money into the sticks, unless she is charting and knows it is about that time.  Good luck to your friend, and lots of baby dust from another clomid taker!

  2. Yes test with a OPK CD10 to be very sure.

  3. Yes she should check for ovulation, because every little piece of info is helpful at this stage. But please tell her that Clomid has a habit of delaying ovulation. My RE's nurse just told me that they estimate a delay of 4 days with Clomid 50mg on the CD5-9 schedule. This means that she should probably use OPKs a little later than she normally would do. Also, charting BBTs is the only real way to know if you ovulated. OPKs show you that you've making LH, but they don't prove anything concrete. This website is a great place to start:
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