
Clomid - ovulation with spotting or breakthrough bleeding or implantion???

by Guest61161  |  earlier

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I took clomid on days 3-7 (Day 3 was July 5th) and today noticed some light brown color on the TP after going to the bathroom. It reminded me of what I would see on the last day of my period (but very light). I am suposed to go tomorrow to have blood drawn to check progesterone levels (day 21) but am not sure if this is a good sign of ovulation, implantion or possibly breakthrough bleeding. Is breakthrough bleeding normally redish or brown? So I am confused and stressed about this. Should we assume ovulation and do the baby dance tonight (we just did it last night). Does anyone know how many dpo you need to be to have results from a progesterone blood test (no need to give blood for no reason)? Thanks for the help. This is my first cycle on clomid and I can't find this info online.




  1. Have you been doing OPK's or charting your BBT's?  The reason I ask is that by doing a progesterone check on cd21, they ASSUME that you ovulated on day 14.  I didn't---with Clomid, I ovulated on day 20 or 21.  So, when they checked my progesterone level on day 21, it was, of course, LOW!  So, unless you know you ovulated on day 14, the test isn't going to tell you much.  Once we knew I ovulated on day 20 or 21, we did a progesterone test 7 days later, and my levels were fine.  

    With fertility meds, they want to see the levels above 10 to 15, depending on your doc.  Mine wanted to see above 10, but I've read some docs want to see above 15.

    So today is day could be ovulating (ovulation spotting), or it could be implantation spotting (if you ovulated say on day 14).  I haven't heard of breakthrough bleeding with clomid.  If you haven't been testing with OPK's, I'd baby dance, in case it is ovulation spotting.  And next month, chart your BBT's and perhaps test with OPK's also.

    Good luck!  Baby dust!


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