
Clomid NEED of advice ladies

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I started taking 50 mg clomid this month b/c of irregular periods, not ovulating, etc. My 21 day progesterone test was a 3.2. Doc said it was low BUT ovulation occurred. I normally have a 41-48 day cycle so, was the progesterone test inaccurate considering I might have ovulated later than the avg gal? Also this is day 33 of my cycle but my pregnancy test is neg. I go in for a blood test Fri if I AF hasn’t come by then…my fingers are crossed. So, what do you think ladies…did I ovulate late, am I pregnant? Thanks and baby dust to all who are trying.

I thought the luteal phase was supposed to be over by now?




  1. Do you have PCOS?  Because with a cycle that long and low progesterone it sounds very much like some of the symptoms I was having when I was diagnosed with PCOS.  I would say no about being pregnant, because if you were pregnant your progesterone numbers would have start going up before hcg is even present.  I wish you the best of luck in ttc.  My DH and me tried for years on our own before going to the fertility doctor.  After clomid, gonal F and iui we are finally pregnant.  EDD March 6, 2009.

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