
Clomiphene ....?

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has any body taken Clomiphene

even if you are ovulating normaly? Whats your view on this, I would try anything now to get pregnant TTC for almost 2 years..and it staring to take it toll on me :(




  1. Clomiphene-commonly called Clomid

    Yes, I took it even when I was ovulating on my own.  It not only helps you ovulate (if you are not), BUT it also helps raise your progesterone level in the luteal phase (which helps sustain a pregnancy).

    I am now taking Femara, as the Clomid quit working for me during month #4.

    I would suggest that you give it a try!  Good luck!  Baby dust!

  2. I understand your desperation (for lack of a better word) but if you're ovulating normally then I would not suggest using clomiphene. The problem with using it while you're already ovulating is that it can over stimulate your ovaries and actually damage them. You don't want to risk that because you'd be worse off.

    Maybe you could try charting or OPKs. If an ovulation prediction kit it too expensive try a saliva microscope. They're just as accurate, reusable, and a whole lot cheaper.

    Whatever you choose to do please understand that if you're ovulating correctly then clomid is NOT for you.

  3. i am about to start clomiphene in about 2 weeks after my provera induces my period.  clomid ripens the follicles in your ovaries so they wil produce an egg.  clomid could possibly mature several follicles by itself making your chances for mutiples increased by about 10% already by itself.  if you are ovulating on your own the clomid MAY mature more follicles in addition to the ones your body matured on its own that cycle making your chance for multiples even more increased.  just be careful.

  4. took my first cycle in June and I'm still looking for AF or BFP. Going to Dr to see if I can obtain one or the other if you know what I mean.

    Good luck to all and lots of Baby dust

  5. Known as clomid. besides helping in ovulation, it makes sure that the ovum follicle matures to the reqd size 18mm-20mm. not only ovulation but the egg has to be mature for pregnancy to occur. This my first cycle of clomid & i am sincerely hoping that it works. but it takes more than 1 cycle in some cases.

    these days i am doing a scan alternate days to monitor the size of the follicles. you have to be patient & opptimistic.

    best of luck.
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