
Clonazepam 10mg?

by Guest67029  |  earlier

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i have clonazepam 10 mg 2 pills, will one get me ****** up or will 2 and what do they do to you




  1. How to you have a Clonazepam 10mg tablet?

    It does not exist in such a strength in the US.

    It exists as 0.25mg, 0.5mg, 1mg and 2mg.

    Hypothetically if you do have a 10mg tablet, yes it will mess you up as it is a very strong dose.

    Here is some information on the brand name Klonopin.

    You can read up on the Adverse Reactions, Warnings and Contraindications.  

    You can also look into the strengths that are supplied at the end of the monograph.

    Please double check and make sure you are talking about Clonazepam and not Diazepam (which is supplied in a 10mg dose).

  2. First off all you should get medical advice before taking the drug. The drug is anticonvulsant and is usually used for treating epilepsy. For more techincal information visit the following URL.

    Again, ask for proper medical advice since the drug belongs to category D and can affect pregnant women.

  3. Yeah it will make you sleepy.

    Don't drink alcohol with it.
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