
Cloncool Apache in great shape for Crayford’s Bags Sis Easter Bunny 380 – Final

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Cloncool Apache in great shape for Crayford’s Bags Sis Easter Bunny 380 – Final
Having won three back to back races, Cloncool Apache is in good position to display a thumping performance in the final of Bags Sis Easter Bunny 380, taking place at Crayford on Tuesday, March 6, 2012.
The officials will start the proceedings at 16:08 (GMT). The 380 metre long Grade IR heat holds a cash prize of £350. Among the entries are:
Cloncool Apache
Ryves Rock
Spats Colombo
Ballybane Lena
Impossible Fairy
Droopys Oliver
Nobody can even think of overlooking Cloncool Apache’s chances in today’s race. The black dog is in terrific form, as he showed a lot of pace in the initial round of the competition.
The punters don’t need much of a memory to recall his last victory, as he sealed an emphatic win in the second heat of the championship a few days ago.
In his previous run, P. Tompsett’s trainee beat Ballybane Lena by staggering seven lengths. With the highest odds of 11 to 8, Droopys Scolari’s son out of Ballaghboy Cool will start the show from the red box.
Ryves Rock is also doing well these days. Out of his last five races, the black coloured came out as winner on three occasions and sealed second position twice.
One cannot take him lightly in today’s race, as he is carrying the second highest odds of 3 to 1. In the first round of the clash, B. O'Sullivan’s trainee thrashed Droopys Oliver by a couple of lengths.
Another hound with fair chances of winning is Ryves Rock’s group-mate, Spats Colombo. The black dog narrowly missed the top slot in his previous race, as he remained adrift by a neck distance.
The hound has an ability to pick up an early pace and if he manages to do so, it will be difficult to control him. Impossible Fairy also has two consecutive wins under her belt. In the previous race, the b***h overcame Spats Colombo by neck’s margin.
Cloncool Apache is most likely to outplay his rivals, as he is in superb rhythm at the moment. It will be an uphill task for the rest of the lot to challenge his skills.
Yet, his fans cannot afford to be complacent, as Ryves Rock will come up with some fight. Meanwhile, Spats Colombo will look to take revenge of his first round defeat.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the writer's own and do not reflect Bettor.Com’s editorial policy.



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