
Cloned puppies: what are your views?

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I miss all my beloved dogs very much. But, I would not clone them. The cells may be the same, but the pup would have the same soul. What do you think?




  1. I see no need to clone pets. Each individual pet is unique, and they have a right to be unique and different. Do we love our pets for the way they look or for who they are? Loving a pet for the way it looks is superficial, its the soul of the pet that we love.

  2. No way would I clone any of my pets. There are many others who need a home and they would not be the same. Science should stick to cloning plants where there is no harm and maybe could fight hunger.  

  3. I am all for science when its end result can help in the long run and that's what the use of cloning is attempting to do. Some people think that scientists are cloning just for the fun of it when that is not the case...just like stem cell research. You have to experiement and research in any field to have enough results to record and rely upon.

    Would I clone my cat just to have another cat just like her? No, there are many all over the world waiting for a good home and I wouldn't be that selfish.

  4. I think it's a sad day for society.  I have a feeling that this and similar things will some day come to haunt us and we will collectively rue this day.  Like you said, the soul and personality of the clones will not be anything like your previous pet.  10 years from now when they are cloning people (if some get their way) they may find a problem that they didn't expect and by that time the Pandora'ss box will be irrevocably opened.

  5. I agree with you.

  6. on one hand i say yeah its good cos that research could maybe be developed into helping people who are maybe ill etc-

    but then i think there has to be a line drawn somewhere.i mean who knows what negative effects all this messing with 'nature' could have.

    from your point of view i would love to have my cat back but its a dangerous thing

  7. I agree, it would not have the same soul. It would make me miss her even more.

  8. i agree or the same disposition...  some things should just not be messed with.

  9. i think its wrong to create un natural things for the convenience of ourselves. its not right...lets things happen the way they were meant to

  10. i dont like it its messing with nature  

  11. I think that it should be fully illegal to clone anything. If you clone something or some one your just asking for trouble. I believe it's just evil to even test theories on animals, All testing should be done on willing humans not on unwilling and mistreated animals.

  12. Clone him sure. But I wouldnt actuall want the clone. THats like saying my brother died, but here he is again. Not the same kid.

  13. It shouldn't be done. As much as I loved all my dogs they were individuals. You would never be able to recreate their personalities or characters as these qualities were shaped more by their individual upbringing. There's no way those experiences and their understanding of them could be replicated.

  14. i agree i also miss my dogs too AND I DEFO WOULD NOT CLONE THEM! what ever you do it still isnt 'THEM' still

  15. it doesnt matter to me

  16. I am very against cloning anything.. Why do we have to clone things? for science? sure but we could do without it.. the dog wouldnt be the same if it doesnt have the same soul. it would be extremley expensive and possibly a waste if you beloved dog comes back much different. science now just wants to clone things to prove that they can. its not helping anyone. its taking money..they could use the money to start research on disease. but they are NOT doing that. all they care about is saying that they could do cloning before others!

                          sorry that I have very strong feelings. Im only 13 but im extremly outspoken!

  17. Cloning is stupidity and immorality at the highest level.  I would get deleted if I said on here what I really think.  

  18. Yuck! Stop messing with nature, it might come back and bite you on the bum.

  19. I fully agree with you.  I've had some awesome dogs but their spirit would not be the same if they were cloned.  With this technology I can only think of Cujo.

  20. plain WRONG!

    wheres that gonna lead us, yeah, right, down the line widows, probably in greater number their male counterparts, would travel to some crooked country where its totally cool to clone humans and come back with their new "old" wife.....  oooor think about parents havin lost their kid, puppies are just the first in line

    i just wonder if you can ever get seconds on birth certificates, coz otherwise, that be a real hassle gettin them naturalised, but give it 20-50 years, there will be more specific "clone laws" probably after a war or two over the whole issue

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