
Clonetroopers or stormtroopers?

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which one is better and why?




  1. clonetroopers are cooler

  2. Depends on what task you want them to accomplish.

    The Clones managed to wipe out ALL the Jedi.

    The Stormtroopers got their azzes handed to them by a bunch of primitive little teddy bears with bows and arrows while the Stormies had laser guns and armor. WTF?!

    Now, I know some Star Wars geek is gonna jump out of their seat and cry foul or some shite, but c'mon!

    Who would take the Stormtroopers seriously as a real menace after the Battle of Endor?

    At least with Empire Strikes Back the Stormies were kicking Rebel butt all over the galaxy.

    Then we get that god-awful Return of the Jedi and it's all let's go for a hike through the woods and re-do the whole Death Star battle scene from A New Hope. Only this time we'll have Lando fly the Millenium Falcon, have the Emperor chucked down the power core shaft (and WHY does he have the power core shaft so near his throne anyways?), and a cutesy little song at the end.

    Oh, and let's not forget, we're gonna insert Hayden's younger look in place of Sebastien Shaw (Darth Vader unmasked in the original version) for Anakin Skywalker's spirit.

    Okay... so 2 minutes of doing good - chucking the Emperor down said shaft makes up for 20+ years of doing evil?

    This is exactly why I keep saying that these movies make absolutely no kinda sense.

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