
Cloning & Gm Crops affect the world?

by Guest21578  |  earlier

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Think about issues such as the impact of the atom bomb (Nuclear Weapons), Cloning and GM crops n the world we live in today. Do you feel these have helped the world we live in?




  1. The trouble with GM crops nobody knows what they are going to do to the eco structure of the world , once we try them out and there is future disaster there is no going back ,That's what is so scary. Atomic fission has benefited the world in cheap energy but like all inventions of man somebody will always find a way to us it to destroy ,its a law of homo sapians im afaid.

  2. the E.U. alone could feed the world twice over but it destroys the food instead to stabilise prices so dont ask me why gm crops were invented.they're not even researched long term

  3. Human civilization changes over time and technologically innovative inventions like what you've mentioned brought positive and negative effects to this world. I cant really say that they're good or bad, but it has its place in this world

  4. I feel that the guy who invented GM crops was doing the starving of this world a huge favour.

    They can now feed the world and I know they dont but bigger wheat and stuff has to be good for people who have no food and were these foods not first invented for that purpose and did the scientist not actually travel to inhospitable counties to be sure his crops would grow and indeed feed the poor?

    It is not all bad and not all doom and gloom.

  5. Look in the real world.

    At the damage being done out there in time.

    In kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God in time.

    In doing things at own whims and fancy in messing up with science and mathematics with self lack of knowledge being expose in time.

    Genesis 1. 28-30

    Leviticus 19.19

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    John 7.19

    What do you think?

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