
Close/best/true friends?? 10 points for most detailed or interesting answer.?

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I know i asked this...but i want more opinions.

What's the difference? How do u know when u have one.?..which is better..? I'm in highschool if that means anything..

and can u help me determine if these ppl are 'true' or 'best' or close friends.

1.became close only recently, but we have SO much in common and i tell her EVERYTHING. ANd i turn to her in times of trouble. I never been to her house before though..and never met her parents. But I (and she too) have a sense of understanding for each other in which we tell each other things we do not tell ANYONE else and we are positive that we will still be friends after highs school cuz we are likely to go to the same college.

2. We literally do EVERYTHING together. It's like one of those friendships where if we aren't together, ppl ask 'where is __'. Because me without her is like milk without cookies( u get the idea). I've only been to HER house SO many times that i lost count, and when there is a school activity, then it's like we will only go if the other one goes. And we have very common interests. However, when i am in terrible emotional pain, i do not tell her the whole story and sometimes i deny that there is anything even wrong with me at all ( i don't do this with #1 though). And i dunno if we will KIT high school...i just hope so. Also..i don't tell my deepest secrets like i do with the first one i mentioned.

3. He is so close to me...let's just say he is #1 and 2 put together..we spend time together(but not TOO much like #2)..and i DO tell him EVERY SINGLE THING about me. and he is honest to the point where it needs to hurt. Also we make time to hangout as much as possible. ALso..i am myself around him more than around anyone else where i can laugh at myself if i do something stupid. Life after highschool i have no idea what will happen.

4. He is like a brother to me in a sense that he is protective and we occasionally tease each other. He is my favorite AIM buddy..and we have had many DEEP conversations and we have been in MANY arguements(fighting only makes a friendship closer right?). However, we do not hangout much and we have different groups of friends and friendship is supposed to be two-way and i mostly initiate convos and hangouts. But i do tell him things i do not tell anyone else..

Lol..sorry this was long..thx 4 your time.




  1. A true friend is the best type to have. They are there for you no matter the problem and they will stick by your side. you know when you have one because one day, you realize that your life would have been completely different without them. There is a difference and that will be in my answer if you read further on. You will be able to tell the difference. You have four awesome friends, and here's what i think they are.

    1: you're close friend. if you and her just recently became close, you still have a while to go before becoming best friends.

    2:She sounds also like a close friend. you keep things from her, and are uncertain of your future.

    3:Sounds like a true friend. You can tell him anything and you don't have to be fake around him because he likes you for who you are. He is a loyal and true friend, but let me ask you this, can anyone replace him. If so, then he is a close friend.

    4:Well, four is definitely different from the others, now isn't he? This is a difficult one, but i believe that he is a best friend. your arguements have proven that you can stick together through thick and thin, and you can tell him so much. As for the hanging out part, you do not need to hang out much to get to know someone and have them very close to you.

    Hope i helped with...whateva' your problem was. :) Yeah, I'm clueless, i know. But i do answer questions well.

  2. It sounds like you have 4 pretty wonderful friends. Number one is probably your best friend. it sounds like #1 is closer to you than #2 because you tell number 1 anythin. 3 and 4 sound like they deeply care about you and you seem to love them as friends. you have 4 best friends.

    I hope i helped :)

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