
Close place to stay near Traviso airport in Venice?

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Is it good to stay in Traviso or better in Venice,Mestre?We will have 3 nights in Venice and I need place to be closer Traviso airport,because we have early flight to UK!




  1. I really wouldn't worry about staying close to the airport.  The city is REALLY small.  You can get just about anywhere on the waterbus in less than an hour.  Don't quote me on this, but you might want to do a little research.  When we were there in March it seemed that the airport was on another island than where you probabaly want to be staying.

  2. Don't worry about the flight.  The busses are timed to them.

    Go stay in Venezia.

  3. Maybe if you google trEviso or mAestre you will have more luck finding something suitable.

  4. I recommend you B&B "Alle Rondini" which is really nice

    If you want you can visit the website ( ) but it is in Italian.

    However they told me it will be soon translated in English.

    You can send an email (

    to the owners if you want informations in english.

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