
Closer to success in Iraq?

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Our culture is really starting to rub off over there:

I call victory, how about you?




  1. I guess this makes sense. What else are fatherless children to do, but run around like a pack of wild dogs? Success...umm...right.

    Just goes to show that we did in fact tear down a self sustaining sovereign nation, and created a welfare state.

    We have now killed over a million Iraqi's. That leaves only 6 or so million more before we 'win'.

    This went so well that we are about to do a threepeat (Afghanistan, Iraq) with Iran.

    Our politicians tell us how bad Hitler, and n**i Germany was, yet they are doing the same d**n thing as far as global conquest is concerned.

    Attempts at global conquest by the elite to create a one world government are a constant throughout history, and they have all failed. If we keep this up(which we will), we will find ourselves smack in the middle of WWIII.

    America is about to learn(relearn) that war is h**l, comes with sacrfice, and war=death.

    There are times, and reasons for war, but the reasons for the past few are not justified.

  2. Must have been filmed near an Iraq McDonald's  

  3. Premature as always. There is no 'victory' here in Iraq. Just a long-winded stalemate which will end with us leaving.

    In effect, we haven't given them 'democracy' or 'freedom'. Just their right to rule their own country however they see fit--under Islamic law.

  4. welcome to the Iraq Faux channel.

    Which is actually owned by Robert Murdock, owner of Fox Broadcasting.

  5. Maybe they like being occupied.

  6. Success in now that's an're funny....

  7. The cards had been laid out on the table.

    Only the roulette still spinning.

    If the "Lucky Strike " hit "0"

    The banker?

    Will take it all.

    With "The winner takes it all"

    The betters scratch their head.

    Leaving with empty pockets.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  8. Is the fat kid really pounding the other kids?  I've never seen pictures of fat people in Iraq before.  Was in our mall the other day, sitting by a fountain...people watching...and Gawd the obesity is incredible, especially in little kids.  Some whole families were fat!  California wants to ban trans fat, and we had better hurry before there is an epidemic of diabetes.  Ours is not a culture to emulate in regard to food!

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