
Closet Cleaning Tipss!?

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This weekend, my mom+i are cleaning out our closets.

and the downstairs shoe closet.

any tips?

Since school is starting i will be putting away all summer clothing that i can wear to school (tanks, spageti, strapless, short shorts, etc.)

But we also will be throwing away stuff. How do i decied if i should donate/throw something away?

Like.. Could you give me exaples or something.?

Like Throw Away: stuff with holes, etc.

Thanks! for any tips. :)




  1. well, start with all the clothes you don't fit to. Keep those in a pile.

    if they are in good condition, donating is a marvelous idea. if they aren't in good shape, maybe cutting them up into rags is a good idea. Or possibly giving them away but you don't want to give something away that's old and rugged looking either.

    If you have a small closet like my son does, buying a closet organizer is the best way to go. It has room for all the seasons, tons of shelving and it keeps neat.

    As for your shoes, do your friends need them? Salvation Army takes shoes, good and old looking, too.  

    Or... if you're super talented... making an Afghan of old shirts is a great way to go, too. every year add a shirt or old jeans to the blanket. so when you're older, the blanket will be completed.

  2. Give away things that you think other people might still like. Throw away undergarments and bathing suits and damaged items. And yes, we donate all the shoes to Global Soles. Have fun! We always take everything out of the closet and put back only our favorite clothing! It's easier that way then deciding what to get rid of. We decide what to keep!

    Best of Luck!


  3. I love closet organization!

    My first rule is anything you have not used for 1 years or more can be donated or thrown out.  Generally if it looks used or yukky, chuck it (unless t-shirts, make rags).  

    I buy the plastic bins that I then label with a Sharpie as to what is inside.  Also if you need small spaces and have hooks.  Use a canvas or cloth shoe rack to hold other stuff.  I have one in my cleaning closet.  One pocket for batteries, one for air fresheners, one for small light bulbs, etc.  You can even fit cleaning supplies in them.

    It is hard to get rid of stuff but once you have lightened your load, you feel good and a bit free!

  4. TJ Gave some good advice.  Whenever I tackle my closets, I clear off and make my bed.  Then I get ALL of my clothes out of the closet and put into piles (jeans, sweaters, work out, t-shirts, etc).  Then I pick out what I know doesn't fit/is stained or broken/I don't like/not in fashion anymore and put that aside.  From this new pile, I start dumping duplicate items (who needs 14 charity walk t-shirts?!)

    Once you've purged your closets, be sure you put it all back into the closet in a neat order so that you can easily find what you want to wear.  I like to store out of season clothing in clear bins.  

    Finally, if you've got some really nice clothes that just don't fit anymore or your're not in love with like you used to be, consider selling on e-bay.  Who knows, you might be able to buy a slick new coat or great purse with the proceeds from your sale.  

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