
Closing a bank account?

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does anyone think that the thret of closing our bank accounts woud or could enhance the government awareness of the imortance that the puplic place on envromental issues




  1. It's a nice theory but in reality I don't see how it could work. I use a bank that has an ethical standpoint anyway and would highly recommend anyone to do same.

  2. i understand where youre coming from but i don't believe it will work and it won't be that long before cash is no longer used for this we need banks!

  3. dont think so... beside if I did that then I wouldn't get paid

    interesting thought though !!

  4. No not if you're talking about the British government; the main priority of the government here is short term economic boom to ensure they are re-elected. Environmental issues are an

    'inconvenient truth' for them and issues they prefer to ignore as the majority of the highly materialistic British population is not going to re-elect a government that puts a tax or restrictions on air travel for example.

  5. No.

    It will hurt the needy first.

    The thing about the governments talking about environmental issues is that it gives them more ways to tax us.

    Or do you really think if we all use our cars a bit less makes any difference- when the same number of people in China as there are in the west are set to buy new fridges, cars and ovens this year?

    "Cars in the U.S. have become more energy-efficient over the past two decades, but other developed countries are losing ground and actually consuming more fuel per passenger mile traveled. Europeans are turning more to private cars, and as a result transportation trends and energy use patterns are converging with those of the U.S. But the greatest increase in transportation energy consumption will occur in the developing world. By year 2010, India is expected to have 36 times more cars than in 1990. China will have 91 times more cars, Mexico will have 2-1/2 times more cars, and Eastern Europe and the countries of the former U.S.S.R. will probably double their automobile population. The rest of the developing world will experience a 300% increase over the same period. In comparison, the number of cars in the U.S., Canada, Western Europe, and Japan will have grown by only 12%-15%."

  6. Why would removing money from a private institution cause the govt. harm or a better understanding.

    Banks are like McDonald's, the difference is that they use your funds you deposit to make money for the institution. the fact they deal in dollars is only because they are regulated by the gov't not owned except the federal reserve in which is the place all transactions are handled for the separate financial institutions


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