
Closing on 8/28-What should I expect?

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I am buying new construction and set to close on 8/28. The movers are scheduled, I am in the process of ordering blinds-WAY more expensive than I thought!, I was told today my "file" is complete and they have received the final approval. My loan counselor sent me the estimate od monthly payment @ cash requirement worksheet today and things look ok. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. The home inspection is set 9/21, walk-thru 9/26. What should I expect?




  1. Whoa...are you freaking kidding me?

    You set up a home inspection AFTER the closing date and have already ordered non-returnable custom blinds?

    Honey, cancel the home inspection and the walk-thru and save your money.

    Once you close on the house, anything that is cosmetic they absolutely do not have to fix.

    Once you close, every level of legal negotiation power you have is G-O-N-E.

    What to expect? one sets up a transaction like that's backwards.

  2. i just bought a house and closing ended up costing us about 1700.00 more then our estimate was. stop spending money on blinds and furniture. wait until everything is signed and sealed.  

  3. You are cruising to the finish line.  Your final money has to be wired to the escrow company.  Ask if they will accept a cashiers check which costs less than the wire.  Don't rush your walk-thru.  Then you live happily ever after. /

  4. Closing is just 30 minutes - 1 hr of signing mortgage papers with an attorney present.  The seller or seller representative will be there also.  The attorney is there to answer any questions you have about the paperwork, but srsly, it's more paperwork than you've ever seen.  Your loan agent should give you some of these documents (like truth in lending) a day or so before you get to the closing table, so you can read through them.  Mine had posted all the documents about a week before closing, so I was able to read it all prior to closing  

  5. It's smart for you to order a house inspection. It has to be done after the completion of the construction and the inspector can tell you any leaky area that's need to be fixed or adjusted. The builder is responsible for the main structure for 10 years (as I remember).

    When I moved into my brand new home we did not know the builder forgot to seal the ventilation on the roof and until the rainy day the next year my hubby found there's some water leaking from above the water heater. So we have to contact the builder to come to fix it. Little omission could cause big problem. Watch out!

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