
Clothes? Fashion? Makeup? First Day? Help!?

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I am pretty good with fashion but just in case I need a little advice. For my makeup, I have dirty blond(not really dirty, the color) hair and blue eyes. Thanks for any help!




  1. Ok, how about this?


    Skirt:  (Put some black leggings uder it)



    (watch the video; it'll explain itself)

  2. Hey Chica,

    There are no particular eye shadow colors that are perfect for blue eyes. When the color is the right shade and applied correctly, I believe that a person with any color of eyes can wear any color of eye shadow.

    But,Because that doesn't help you go to the store and pick out an eye shadow here are some guidelines.

    There are two predominate schools of thought on how to choose eye shadows:

    1. Match your eye shadow to your clothes.

    The plus side of this method is that you can create a dramatic look with the combination of shadow and clothing. (Imagine an icy, pale lavender-colored sweater and white pants with matching lavender eye shadow.)

    Using this method can also help draw attention to your eyes if you're wearing bright or dark-colored clothes that might overpower more subtle eye make-up. The drawback to this approach is while your body may look good in a fuchsia shirt, that doesn't mean your eyes look good surrounded by fuchsia.

    Furthermore, choosing an eye shadow that matches your clothes and looks good on your eyes can be challenging.

    Colors to avoid:

    There are several colors that seem like perfect matches for blue-eyed folk, which in reality don't work best for blue eyes. But, don't count them out completely. If they work for you, I say go for it!


    Blue often competes for attention with the natural blue of the eye, and so distracts from the eyes, which should be the center of attention.


    Brown eye shadow, although it seems the natural opposite of blue eye shadow, tends to clash with blue eyes and make them appear duller. This may be because the warm brown tones are in opposition to the cool blue tones. Instead of reinforcing the blue of the eye, the brown draws attention away from the eye.


    Gold clashes with blue as well, for the same reason brown does, though if you have tan skin you could possibly make it work. As an alternative, silver works well because it is a cool tone which draws out the blue, and it can add the same attention-grabbing shimmer as gold.

    So, Good luck!!


    .`· ♥.¸.·´

    ¸.·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨) Love Sky! :-)

    (¸.·♥´ (¸.·´♥  

  3. makeup ideas:

    - use a 'soft black' mascara

    that won't clump your eyelashes

    or be flaky - you don't want it to look

    totally fake!

    if no mascaras really work, then just

    rub some vaseline into your hand, and use

    your finger as a mascara brush, this works


    - wear a champagne eyeshadow on the inner

    corners of your eyes to make them look more



    smile! everyone looks about 2058458 times better

    when they smile.


  4. well what grade are you in? that would deffinetly help. lol

    but if its your first day, you should always just try to look natural.

    so you feel both comfortable with yourself, and don't look like your trying too hard.. ya know? you'll feel more confident when you stick to natural makeup, then you would with tons of eyeliner on and caked on foundation.. here's some examples...

    ^^this is the perfect look for you!!! it's natural, and the headband allows everyone to be able to see your pretty face =)

    i'd deffinetly suggest looking up pictures of hayden panetierre.

    she's a great person, and her look is always simple and classy.

    which is perfect for the first day of school!!!

    plus she has similar looks (dirty blonde hair, blue/green eyes)

    have a good first day, hope it all works out! =)))

  5. blue eyes?! your lucky

    uhm idk for clothes casue everyone has a different style but make sure your makeup isnt to overdone...instead make it natural! sry best i can do



    I especially like the first one!!!

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